Originally Posted by neoxed
The "groups" variable is a global variable set by ioFTPD. It appears another script is deleting the "groups" variable and making a "groups" array.
This is either caused by another script (other than nxTools) you have loaded, or possibly a bug in ioFTPD. What version of ioFTPD are you using?
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i use last ioFTPD 6.3.5 and ioNINJA and nxtools 1.1.0.
still have this error but sometimes also this
--------------------------02-29-2008 09:05:00 "..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
can't read "groups": variable is array
while executing
"set $varName"
(procedure "DebugLog" line 12)
invoked from within
"DebugLog -state [info script]"
(procedure "::nxTools:

upe::Main" line 3)
invoked from within

upe::Main [expr {[info exists args] ? $args : ""}]"
(file "..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl" line 904)
after this i cant upload nothing and i must restart io