Hi, I'm running a windrop(v.1.6.13) with DZSbot(v.1.[1].15) sitebot.
Added scripts to ioFTPD(5.8.4u) are ioA(v1.2.0), ioZS(v2.[1].05). and ioHELP(v1.10)
Tings are starting to work now.. 1 or 2 bugs left 2 fix .. Until that time I will not register ioFTPD.. Need it working first.
One of the tings that bug me is the sitebot .. I have a botnet of 7 bots, all running like they sould. But my sitebot keeps crashing after X hours.. Some days after 2-3 hours and other days allmost 36 hours. When the bot crashes i my computer goes down to. Everything stopps and the only thing that works is mIRC. All other progs. goes down.. Cant even open folder etc.. Everything! I then need a system reboot to get it started again.
In parytline i get a timerspun x times x min .. But that
after my box has crashed..
Then DZSbot rehashes the sitebot and timerspun again .. and again...

Bot is running in -nt mode and is located on diffrent disc then ioFTPD install and FTP drives are separet form them 2 again..
I do NOT use a hide utility either .. so that's not the problem. And I have another bot running on the same box with diffrent port settings and that bot works fine.. I've allso tryed running one bot at a time, but as long as sitebot is running same problem.
I do not have a firewall so that not the case..
There is just one more bug that's not working and thats nuke .. But don't think that has anyting to do with it.. There are on scripts that have any timer in ioFTPD.ini exept:
Reset = 0 0 * * &Reset
Service_Update = 10,30,50 * * * &Service_Update
searchlog = 0 0 * * EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe SEARCHLOGCREATE
reqwipe = 0 0 * 6 EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe REQWIPE
The searchlog and regwipe works fine. Also Update so... But Reset i dont know.. I've dissabled html\ftp:\\ service and telnet..
So there is nothing more i can think of .. All anounce works fine. help and rules are ok also !getrules\help ...
So if someone out there know anyting plz .. help. I've been looking and reading and testing and talking for 2 mnd now without any luck..

BTW. Just came 2 think of it.. It all started after i installed ioA..
But that's about 50% of the ioFTPD.ini so I havn't uninstalled it.
So if you know anyting plz. help.. And NO it's not the bot version.. btw .. I'm on Win2k OS