IMDB_DEBUG permission_result == 0 how can i make this work? and what is the tellin me. i know it is in debug. otherwise i get notin if it is off.
thatruth: "IMDB_DEBUG permission_result == 0" means you didn't set +imdb on your channel... read the instructions in the beginning of the file
and for it to work you have to make the same changes as doomx303
Originally posted by Izguer2000 Change
"{<title>IMDb name and title search</title>} "
"{<title>IMDb name and title search}"
and change
"regexp {title/tt[0-9]+/} $oldpage(body)"
back to
"regexp {title/tt[0-9]+/} $oldpage(meta)"
I'll post my modified version tomorrow - going to sleep now...
oh, ok. now it's working
but i want to add something from the "chilla's IMDB script".
the rating_bar of the stars :P
can somebody help me?
# the user rating
set j [expr $i + 3]
set line2 [lindex $lines $j]
set j [expr $i + 4]
set line3 [lindex $lines $j]
regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $line3 "" rating
regsub -all \ \; $rating " " rating
regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $rating " " rating
set rating [string trim $rating " "]
set goldstars [regexp -all goldstar $line2]
set greystars [expr 10 - $goldstars]
# generating the rating bar
set marker "*"
set rating_bar "11\[7"
for {set i2 0} {$i2 < $goldstars} {incr i2 1} {
set rating_bar "$rating_bar$marker"
set marker "-"
set rating_bar "$rating_bar14"
for {set i3 0} {$i3 < $greystars} {incr i3 1} {
set rating_bar "$rating_bar$marker"
set rating_bar "$rating_bar11\]"
putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :$rating $rating_bar"
i just noticed that when theres no "stars"(raiting) i get error msg
Tcl error [imdb_proc]: can't read "rating_bar": no such variable
and the bot doesn't send anything...