Originally posted by odd
12-19-2003 13:18:00 "..\scripts\newdir\newdir\OnSitePre.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
no files matched glob pattern "*.nfo"
while executing
"glob -directory $ppath2 *.nfo"
(procedure "onsitepre" line 37)
invoked from within
(file "..\scripts\newdir\newdir\OnSitePre.itcl" line 111)
Dunno what ive doing wrong but ive get that error Useing 3.4.3 and another thing that is probably related.
well this error come when you pre a dir w/o nfo inside
it's my fault
i need to add a checker there when i prepare my variables for nfourl
When preing something the rls gets pred to the specified dir and it ends up in site new cmd. But It looks like the dir of the rls dosent get added in dupe-dir-log. Becuase I can still upload same dir name of the rls and it will be created when it should be denied because its a dupe.
if you want dirs/files in predir to be logged in dupedir.log & dupefile.log
you should remove the */_pre/* path from: ND_NOLOG(DIRS) & ND_NOLOG(FILES) in init.itcl
i'll fix the 1st probs soon
thx for the report