Damn nice ... you are the best...
Now i got a suggestion for an update...
Dont know if it is possible but here goes...
In ioZ there is an option to ban genres from the server (we talking MP3 now )...
All it does is receving the file and check what genre and then deletes or send a warn to irc ..
This goes for all files in that release... so files are still beeing uploaded.. ( this is my main goal to stop)
What i want/need is when ioZ checked the first file and finds that it is in banned genre/group it announce it in ioftpd.log
and then i want NEWDIR to add that path (dir) in to a log file like bandir.log
and then on next pre "OnPreStor.itcl" it check if path is in bandir.log and if so it announce to ftp (as dupe announce)
that "This is a banned genre in this release" or something and then rejecting the rest of the files..
This way files that are banned dont take up any BandWidth

And make curring awhole lot easyier

I know get better currys.. its just i always looking for the best easiest and most functiunal way to sort problems..
and making it MORE FUN and EASY to do stuff...
Then if a dir in releasedir can be made that says banned GENRE going to be nuked within 20 min and 20 min later it renames the name to [Nuked]-releasenamedir that would RULE but not that importent..