Originally posted by ADDiCT
site lgroups SiTEOPS
or whatever command u gave to "iogroups.exe listgroups"
overriding > read the doc. it's explained how to do that.
well, SITE LGROUPS GRPNAME would still make them able to see all groups if the did just SITE LGROUPS. what i ment is that i want them not to be able to see anything else but their own group.
perhaps a way with cookies?
and, all i could see in the doc was
site = EXEC ..\scripts\ioGroups.exe override_site_users
which overrides SITE USERS command.
what wondered was if there is a way to override other commands, such as SITE UINFO with for instance
site = EXEC ..\scripts\ioGroups.exe override_site_uinfo
to use the SITE USER command when UINFO is used