Originally posted by ADDiCT
blame alcohol for my mistakes !
overriding 'site uinfo' is indeed not supported, because 'site user' is a more logical command for it, imho... i can add override option for 'site uinfo' if u really want it.
owngroup = %EXEC ..\scripts\ioGroups.exe listgroups %[$group]
^ could show a user his own group, isn't that what u need ?
if u only want the userlisting and not the group's details, use a second set of templates for groupstats.*.nfo, where u leave the head & foot a blank file
hehe, no worries. just interested in any changes. i guess i simply could tell ppl to use site user instead of site uinfo.
yes, owngroup does that. i dunno, just wanted to know if it was possible basically. paranoid siteop that want to hide groups from each other and still let them use any command so to speak. that was the reason why. i know, stupid reason.. but still. don't hurt to ask
btw.. great script