ioCMDNew v1.3
Here is my version of the "SITE NEW" script called "ioCMDNew".
It returns a list of latest folders/releases uploaded to your site.
Added "RESCAN" of ioFTPD.log file. Just rename or delete your ioCMDNew.log , and login and make a "site new". Now you have scaned the whole ioftpd.log and made a new ioCMDNew.log file.
Small speed-up of the code.
Changed layout, now centering Owner and Group and removed "/" between Owener/group.
Changed "AGE" to count Days,Hours,Minutes from upload instead of BORING date stamp, looks little like glFPTd site new output now ( not MUTCH but a alittle
) ..
Only ONE script now ( killed the itcl script )
Beta 1.1
FIX : Wrong path in my code ( sorry )
Usage : Type "site new" in raw site command to ioFTPD , and the 10 newest releases will be listed... BUT only the 10 newest SINCE you installed "ioCMDNew" .. ioCMDNew will record up to 1000 releases and then it "cycles" .. så "site new 1000" is the higest you can get.
( latest version can be found at "www.ioftpd/scripts" )