08-12-2005, 12:55 PM
Join Date: Oct 2001
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News & Requests regarding Scripts. PLEASE READ!
1. First, I want to thank the scripting community for all of your efforts. It is truly amazing to see all the functionality you have added to ioFTPD. Keep up the good work!
2. Next, I hope everyone is getting used to the new scripts section on the website. If you have any problems/suggestions, please let us know. That said, we really want to emphasize that all scripts should be uploaded using the customer portal. Please DO NOT post your new script in the forum. It makes it much harder for everyone to track what is going on, what scripts are available, etc. The scripts section centralizes everything.
For those of you who haven't found it, simply login to the customer portal ( http://portal.inicom.net) and click on the "My ioFTPD Scripts" link on the left. All ioFTPD registered users are allowed to upload scripts.
3. For those of you who have created your own websites for your scripts, that is fine. However, we would appreciate if you would use the scripts section as your primary download link. This will allow you to see and track the downloads accurately, and allow users to rate your script more easily. I recommend you link directly to your scripts detail page so all files available can be seen.
4. Lastly, we are finalizing the scripter's pool section (yes, it's a long time coming!), but we wanted to get your input on how to handle a few things.
-For those of you who participate with foundation scripts, we need to come up with an accurate way to gauge who/how much should be paid out. Our original idea is to create an "index" of sorts that takes a script's rating and multiplies it by number of downloads. The indexes for each of a user's scripts would then be added up, and used as a final number for determining percentage of the pool. For this to work, my above recommendations should be heeded and should encourage people to rate the scripts they want to see compensated. One problem with this approach is that it doesn't take into account the hours involved, or the size of the project (compare a 2 line script to something like ioBanana for example). We are open to discussion/suggestions on variations of this theme, so please chime in. Our ultimate goal is to keep you guys happy, so if you don't speak up, you can't complain!
-Next, is the payment method. By far, the easiest thing for us to code is going to be payments via PayPal, but I am aware that not all countries support PayPal. Is this going to be a sufficient method, or are there other options we should consider. Keep in mind that we need to keep the administrative overhead of this system to a minimum, and using PayPal will allow us to completely script the process.
-What did you like/didn't like about the way things were previously handled. This is an open invitation to discuss how we can make things better, and encourage more users to participate in the foundation license program.
I think that's it for now. Thanks for your time, and keep scripting!
08-12-2005, 03:01 PM
Too much time...
FlashFXP Beta Tester ioFTPD Scripter
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 1,326
Originally Posted by Linkster
Our original idea is to create an "index" of sorts that takes a script's rating and multiplies it by number of downloads.
Would this include the script downloads before the site was moved?
Do you plan on distributing the entire foundation pool at once? Or equal amounts over a select period of time? (Since there's a fairly large amount in the pool.)
Originally Posted by Linkster
One problem with this approach is that it doesn't take into account the hours involved, or the size of the project (compare a 2 line script to something like ioBanana for example).
Long ago (when there was only a few scripters), the names of the scripters were put in a poll and voted on. The users who received the highest votes were given a donation. This method could work, with a few modifications.
For example, every month an equal portion of the foundation pool would be donated to the scripters. Letâs say $250. All scripters would be placed in a poll and voted on by either:
A. ioFTPD foundation users (rationale: it's their money, they should decide who goes to).
B. ioFTPD registered users (rationale: these users have probably used the scripts and can gauge the quality and effort put into them).
C. Both A and B, except a vote by a foundation member would carry more weight.
D. Everyone?
The poll would close in, say a week, and the top 5 scripters would receive 50$ each.
Or set up some sort of award system with different categories. Best zip-script, best <insert whatever here>.
Just throwing out a few ideas.
08-12-2005, 03:46 PM
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FlashFXP Registered User ioFTPD Scripter
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Posts: 277
"For those of you who participate with foundation scripts, we need to come up with an accurate way to gauge who/how much should be paid out"
can you clarify this linkster? i've read this 2 ways `only foundation scripts will be counted towards to scripters pool` or `only foundation scripters can decide who gets what`
i do hope it is neither, and im reading it totally wrong
in the past, d1 has posted polls, that included both foundation and non foundation scripters
and i hope that its taken into consideration the ammount of work non foundation scripters put into io
#iotools #ioftpd (both on efnet)
08-12-2005, 04:09 PM
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: New Mexico, USA
Posts: 1,070
Would this include the script downloads before the site was moved?
Do you plan on distributing the entire foundation pool at once? Or equal amounts over a select period of time? (Since there's a fairly large amount in the pool.)
We can do it both ways. We can distribute previous pool all at once to scripters based on vote, and start the new pool with $0. The new pool can either be done monthly or once the pool reaches a certain amount. Input requested.
"For those of you who participate with foundation scripts, we need to come up with an accurate way to gauge who/how much should be paid out"
can you clarify this linkster? i've read this 2 ways `only foundation scripts will be counted towards to scripters pool` or `only foundation scripters can decide who gets what`
What would be the point of foundation scripts if the pool was distributed to everyone? Maybe I completely misinterpreted how the original pool was designed, but i always thought the pool went to scripters participating in the foundation...idea being that simple or trivial scripts, or scripts someone just wants to be "free to everyone" would not be foundation, and then those scripts that took much effort or represented a significant number of features, etc were made foundation. This encouraged users to pay into the foundation to get access to those scripts. We are not locked into any certain ideal by any means, and we want to find the best possible solution for everyone.
Are you saying voting should take the place of downloads/rating or maybe downloads/rating could be used to get into the vote...vote determining what percentage of that month's pool? Keep the ideas coming.
08-12-2005, 04:24 PM
Too much time...
FlashFXP Beta Tester ioFTPD Scripter
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 1,326
Hmm, that raises another issue. When the foundation pool was started, it wasn't made absolutely clear who will receive what.
This is the first announcement I could find about the creation of the foundation license.
Originally Posted by darkone
- Gather money in a pool, which is donated to (s)elected scripter once pool gets over 50â¬.
To me, it sounds like any scripter is eligible for receiving a portion of the pool, whether they have a foundation script or not.
08-12-2005, 04:43 PM
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FlashFXP Registered User ioFTPD Foundation User
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Posts: 142
perhaps you can make like lotto. You give each scripter a ticket and when it's number fall (every day/every week/...) he wins a certain amount of money. But the lotto ticket is only avalaible once. I mean that when someone win money, he cannot win another time until every scripter have won once.
08-12-2005, 04:55 PM
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I think all scripters who contribute to ioFTPD should receive something from the pool. The foundation pool was started so registered ioFTPD users could have a simple way to donate to the scripters (at least that's how I understand it). It used to be a real mess.
The scripters were and are still free to decide whether their scripts are going to be foundation or not. Putting a few interesting scripts in the foundation area encourages donations and support... but I'm pretty sure a few users have bought a foundation license to reward scripters who do not use this area. The users can decide that a script is good and that its author deserves something even if it's not a foundation script. The users are the judges there.
Using polls was a good idea at the beginning. The users could decide who they wished to reward for their work. Though, the increasing number of scripts and scripters makes this difficult nowadays. The rating system would be able to replace it... if you were posting reminders in the forums a few days before the pool is distributed. "Warning: you've 3 days to vote for your favourite scripts  ". I also agree with neoxed: foundation members' votes should count more (it's their money).
08-12-2005, 05:17 PM
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FlashFXP Registered User ioFTPD Foundation User
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but I'm pretty sure a few users have bought a foundation license to reward scripters who do not use this area.
That's true... I have bought foundation license but never used any foundation script. For whatever it is worth
08-14-2005, 07:11 AM
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FlashFXP Registered User ioFTPD Foundation User
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Posts: 19
ok, I bought ioFTPD for the scripts it provides (ioA, ioBanana). But I found some users scripts very usefull.
How to split the pool?
Difficult one. But I'd like to give some money I paid to the scripts I use  maybe Inicom.net should put a section in the Customer Portal where we can indicate what scripts we use and a rating for them.
08-14-2005, 12:31 PM
Too much time...
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Posts: 1,430
Originally Posted by Woozeu
maybe Inicom.net should put a section in the Customer Portal where we can indicate what scripts we use and a rating for them.
You can already rate the scripts. https://secure.inicom.net/pages/en.ioftpd-scripts.php
08-22-2005, 11:25 AM
Join Date: Oct 2001
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Ok, since this thread has been stagnate for at least a week, I guess there are no more good ideas. Thanks to those who piped in. I now have a better understanding, and I think we've come up with a decent solution, at least for the interim.
The old pool (before moving to the new site), was about $2500 (anything more than this will be rolled over to the new pool). I would like to have a vote to divvy up this money so we can start fresh with the new system. Here is what I am proposing.
-The money will be divided among the top 20 scripters. $400 to #1, $250 to #2, $150 to #3 and $100 to 4-20.
-In order to be part of the vote, you must:
1. Have been a scripter on the old site.
2. Have moved all your scripts from the old site to the new site. You will have till the end of the week (Aug 26) to finish moving your scripts, after which the old scripts page will be taken down. There is no reason not to move over your scripts. If you need help moving a foundation script, just let us know.
3. The eligible scripters will be pulled from the active scripters on the new site, so if you have an old script to post, do it before friday.
-The vote will be posted on Aug 26 after the old scripts page is taken down, and will run for 2 weeks. This should be plenty of time for everyone to vote for their favorite scripter/scripts.
If you have any questions/objections please don't hesitate to post. I will make another post about the future pool soon.
08-22-2005, 01:31 PM
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FlashFXP Registered User ioFTPD Scripter
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Posts: 277
now, this should keep everyone happy
#iotools #ioftpd (both on efnet)
08-22-2005, 05:47 PM
Posse Member
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A) The best way to find out who helped fill the pool, and reward those individuals accordingly, is to ask the ppl who PAID the extra $. If a Foundation user said he bought a foundation licenses hoping his money would go to _tuff, since he use his scripts the most and hope for more of them, then give the extra $ to _tuff. End of story.
I really don't see why non-foundation users should vote... Would you ask your neighbour to decide on what you should spend your pay check ??
B) Which brings up this question: Why is there foundation scripts ? ie why would a user post his scripts as foundation scripts if he gets nothing in return ?
I mean, he's helping getting money in a foundation pool which will be redistributed to people who didn't help filling it. Doesn't make much sense to me...
Just a guess, but if it wasn't for Harm's ioB, I think there would be a lot less money in that pool right now.
C) I think the foundation license should be re-worked. Instead of pooling all the money together, you should simply ask each foundation users who buy a license in the future whom he wants his $ to go to (could be more than one person, he could answer after say a month or so of using ioFTPD). And remove 'foundation-only' scripts (since I'm the only one using that anway!)
Note: The reason why not many ppl would buy a foundation license those days is very probably the fact they have no way to know what they are paying for. Where is the list of scripts only available to Foundation users ?
Note 2: The scripts count at the top-right corner of the scripts page is wrong. There is 94 scripts, not 85.
08-23-2005, 05:49 PM
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Posts: 28
Suggestion / Scripts
It would be more helpful to see a brief description of the script without having to click details on each and every script. Granted a few people know what they want, but the script list is a bit overwhelming with some kind of sorting/description IMO.
08-24-2005, 07:34 PM
FlashFXP Registered User ioFTPD Registered User
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Posts: 42
The reason not many people would buy a foundation license these days is:
1. The future of ioftpd is still VERY foggy
2. The foundation scripts, like io itself, are on any respectable 0-*** site
On a personal note, the only script I wanted in the foundation was Warc's updated ZR-Tools, so to ensure the good man got the credits, I paypal'ed him directly rather than put money in the pool which would be used (unused?) in a totally different way than I'd have expected. My 2 cents :P
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