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Old 06-10-2010, 06:12 AM   #61
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Great news! I'm following this thread regularly and waiting for the build(s) that might resolve the lockup issues permanently.
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Old 06-10-2010, 06:16 AM   #62
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Total coolness, latest build is 'Flow'-ing here
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Old 06-11-2010, 05:07 PM   #63
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only issue i am seeing is that ioftpd turns itself off if not used, all i see in the log is

06-11-2010 16:25:08 No services appear to be online! Defined=1, Active=1, Online=0, Failed=0. Exiting!

i went from 7.3 to 7.5.7, but i checked and rechecked the ini file to make sure there were no mistakes (prob is something i have or haven't done though)

edit: did it again during the night - 06-12-2010 00:41:38 No services appear to be online! Defined=1, Active=1, Online=0, Failed=0. Exiting!

edit2: have installed it as a service just in case, but last time i did that i got a BSOD from the exe

Last edited by ArtX; 06-12-2010 at 08:25 AM.
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Old 06-12-2010, 06:06 PM   #64
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Oh yea, i have that also in the error.log file. Im using your service installer, running it as a service.

No services appear to be online! Defined=1, Active=1, Online=0, Failed=0. Exiting!
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Old 06-12-2010, 11:01 PM   #65
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Can you check to see if you have this in your Debug.log file? I'm guessing you should and I'm interesting in what the IP (only if it's not what you expect) and error number are.
Services_Test: Connect failed for service '<service>' IP=<ip>: <errornum>

In this particular case I'm going to classify this behavior as a bug. There are situations where it's possible to not connect to the server every time since it tries every minute, and it shouldn't treat that as a failure so quickly...

There is already code to wait for all services to "fail" (3 failed connections in a row), and at the least it should apply the 3-in-a-row rule to a single service, or perhaps I should just stick with all "failed" even though that might take a bit longer to figure out. In fact I can see the benefit to "all" and having a local/private service defined on a non-exported port just to handle a DoS type attack on the main port.

This behavior needs to be changed, but the larger question remains. Did the server have trouble connecting to itself because someone was mass connecting with like 5-10 logins all at one time and it used up all the listen() backlog on a non-server OS. Or did something odd happen like the server's IP changed? Or was this just the first sign of catching the server locking up? Let's see what the error code might tell us.

If you see this happening too often for you I'll put out a fix with just this change, just let me know.
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Old 06-13-2010, 05:12 PM   #66
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It wasn't making any crash/log files or anything else, i have gone through the ini file and explicitly told it to log it to ..\logs now, will leave it on overnight and see what happens.

Only other thing i have seen in error.log today was

06-13-2010 13:10:22 Unable to read/resolve host address: 'dnsname.serveftp.com' (using old value) Device='Any'
06-13-2010 15:50:05 No services appear to be online! Defined=1, Active=1, Online=0, Failed=0. Exiting!

Which is strange as that dns name is checked every day and it says its fine, maybe i should change that in the .ini from dns to its actual IP?

Please excuse the late reply, been watching a lot of the world cup ;-)

edit: seems even when running it as a service it can still crash and not start back up, when i looked under the recovery tab it was only set to restart after first failure, i have changed it to restart after the second and subsequent failures, hopefully that should keep it running and give us the info you require :-)

edit2: did it again about an hour ago, no crash files, just the same line as above, even having it as a service did not help and ioftpd did not restart

Last edited by ArtX; 06-14-2010 at 01:36 AM.
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Old 06-14-2010, 08:09 PM   #67
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Unable to read/resolve host address: 'dnsname.serveftp.com' (using old value) Device='Any'
That indicates the server didn't get a timely answer when trying to lookup the name of the server. This isn't a fatal error since it just uses the old value. In fact unless you see the server unable to lookup the value for a large block of time you can completely ignore these log entries.

On the other hand, after seeing the "No services appear to be online!" message the server should exit gracefully and be restarted by the service manager. If you look into the Windows system log can you see the service manager reporting it exited and that it was restarting the service? I don't think it cares if it exited gracefully or not, but perhaps I goofed and it thinks it shouldn't be restarted... That would be kinda funny, but I don't think that's the case. My money is on an actual lockup. My guess is if you look at the list of processes running on the machine via the Task Manager (make sure you use "Show processes from all users" since it's a service) that you will find an ioFTPD process hanging around. It's likely stuck and probably because of the loader lock...

Do you have 'Restart_On_Deadlock' under [Threads] set to 'True'? If you don't then you'll get the loader lock stuck message OR the 'No services' message but at this point the process is hosed and can't exit on it's own. Just enable the Restart_On_Deadlock feature so it can actually exit and thus be restarted by the service manager...
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Old 06-15-2010, 02:56 AM   #68
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Restart_On_Deadlock - is set to true, i enabled that when it first happened after reading one of your posts here, it seems random on when it happens, it has not done it since 7am yesterday morning.

I could do a "site crash now" and send you the dumps from that, but i would doubt they would be useful

The only thing i see in the even viewer about it is

The ioFTPD service entered the stopped state.

+ System

- Provider

[ Name] Service Control Manager
[ Guid] {555908d1-a6d7-4695-8e1e-26931d2012f4}
[ EventSourceName] Service Control Manager

- EventID 7036

[ Qualifiers] 16384

Version 0

Level 4

Task 0

Opcode 0

Keywords 0x8080000000000000

- TimeCreated

[ SystemTime] 2010-06-14T05:59:11.332750000Z

EventRecordID 5126107


- Execution

[ ProcessID] 820
[ ThreadID] 3584

Channel System

Computer ErgoProxy


- EventData

param1 ioFTPD
param2 stopped


Binary data:

In Words

0000: 006F0069 00540046 00440050 0031002F
0008: 0000

In Bytes

0000: 69 00 6F 00 46 00 54 00 i.o.F.T.
0008: 50 00 44 00 2F 00 31 00 P.D./.1.
0010: 00 00 ..

edit: guess i spoke to soon

06-15-2010 09:26:09 No services appear to be online! Defined=1, Active=1, Online=0, Failed=0. Exiting!

and the service has not restarted :-(

edit2: looking at debug log for tcl i see this.

06-15-2010 09:26:16 Marked for deletion TCL Interpreter #3
06-15-2010 09:26:16 Marked for deletion TCL Interpreter #4
06-15-2010 09:26:16 Marked for deletion TCL Interpreter #2
06-15-2010 09:26:16 Marked for deletion TCL Interpreter #1
06-15-2010 09:26:16 Marked for deletion TCL Interpreter #5
06-15-2010 09:26:16 Deleting TCL Interpreter #3
06-15-2010 09:26:16 Deleting TCL Interpreter #4
06-15-2010 09:26:16 Deleting TCL Interpreter #1
06-15-2010 09:26:16 Finalizing TCL Interpreter #3 for thread 1996
06-15-2010 09:26:16 Finalizing TCL Interpreter #4 for thread 1992
06-15-2010 09:26:16 Deleting TCL Interpreter #5
06-15-2010 09:26:16 Deleting TCL Interpreter #2
06-15-2010 09:26:16 Finalizing TCL Interpreter #1 for thread 1988
06-15-2010 09:26:16 Finalizing TCL Interpreter #5 for thread 2000
06-15-2010 09:26:16 Finalizing TCL Interpreter #2 for thread 1984

Last edited by ArtX; 06-15-2010 at 03:37 AM.
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Old 06-15-2010, 02:11 PM   #69
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Hmm, was the ioFTPD process still running? It really looks like a graceful shutdown actually occurred. In fact the service manager saying "The ioFTPD service entered the stopped state." might mean it thinks this wasn't a failure and thus it didn't restart it. I'll go ahead and change it to not report a graceful shutdown and just let it exit (which service manager will treat as a failure) so it should auto-restart...
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Old 06-15-2010, 05:19 PM   #70
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No ioftpd.exe was not in the process list running, nor was the watcher exe.

I will wait for your next release
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Old 06-15-2010, 11:27 PM   #71
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Default v7.5.8 Changelog

v7.5.8 Release Notes:

1) Files in \System:
   Changed : ioFTPD.[exe,pdb] - Version

*** New Features:

2) Changes in service state are recorded to the ioFTPD.log file:
     SERVICES: Defined=%d Active=%d Online=%d Failed=%d

*** Functionality changes:

3) The server will no longer shut itself down if a valid active service is
   marked offline, i.e. it didn't respond to a local connection request.
   After 3 failures in a row the service will be upgraded to failed status.
   If all active services are marked as failed the server will now try to
   internally shut itself down gracefully before exiting abnormally at the
   last moment if run as a service so the service manager thinks it crashed
   and can restart it, or with a non-zero exit code if a normal process.

   NOTE: There is no way to inform the stupid service manager that you wish
         to report a failure and be restarted.  If you actually return an
         error code it assumes you're finished and won't restart the process.
         You have to pretend to exit unexpectedly so it considers it crashed
         and in need of a restart...

*** Bug Fixes:

4) Fixed a bug where the mutex used to ensure only one ioFTPD process is
   using a particular window name (used for shared memory communication) was
   created in the current session namespace (which is the default). This meant
   that a particular login session couldn't start the same server twice, but
   you could have a service and a user both starting a server using the same
   windows name (and most likely the same configured ports, etc) and this is
   probably something you don't want.  The mutex is now created in a global
   namespace instead of the session namespace.
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Old 06-18-2010, 06:26 AM   #72
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io 757

06-17-2010 18:36:40 Received deadlock signal from ioFTPD, killing it.
06-18-2010 13:23:58 Received deadlock signal from ioFTPD, killing it.

Looks like it's working
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Old 06-18-2010, 09:17 AM   #73
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Default ioninja resort

Hey guys.

7.5.8 seems to be pretty stable. But I ran into a problem with IOninja. the resort command isnt working anymore, any of you guys have the same problem?

OK, found the problem, the zlib dir in the IOninja dir needed to be copied to the ioftpd/libs dir.. never noticed this before.. all ok now =)

Last edited by mr.babek; 06-20-2010 at 09:23 AM.
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Old 06-22-2010, 06:06 AM   #74
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Hmm .... Yil, what did you do?

I have nothing to report from the SystemError.log nor the Error.log file
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Old 06-23-2010, 03:50 PM   #75
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I've been following the progress on ioFTPD for a while now, but I just made the jump from 7.0.3 to 7.5.8 yesterday. I appreciate your dedication to developing what I consider to be the best ftp server, free or commercial!

Something I noticed: I have seven additional mountpoints defined in default.vfs, but only four show up (five including the root directory). They are across two local physical drives, and there doesn't seem to be a pattern to which directories are not mounted. The disks themselves do not seem to be the issue, as I can access files on both discs, and I've verified their integrity. From this, I also believe the issue is not with permissions across the two disks, even though one is from an XP installation and one is from a Windows 7 x64 installation (my current OS).

"C:\Users\xxxxx\xxxxxxx"	/Dir1
"C:\Users\xxxxx\xxxxxxx"	/Dir2
"C:\x"	/Dir3
"D:\xxxx"	/Dir4
"D:\xxxxx"	/Dir5
"D:\Documents and Settings\xxxxx\My Documents\xxxxxxxx"	/Dir6
"D:\Documents and Settings\xxxxx\xxxxx"	/Dir7
From ioFTPD.log:
06-23-2010 16:19:43 PRELOAD: "begin" "..\etc\default.vfs"
06-23-2010 16:19:45 PRELOAD: "points=5" "..\etc\default.vfs"
I haven't tried 7.0.3 with the additional mountpoints, since I have that set up on a separate server which is in storage.

Additionally, ioFTPD seems to be incorrectly formatting some dates when responding to STAT -al.

4:28:36 PM > stat -al
4:28:36 PM 212-Status of .:
4:28:36 PM drwxr-xr-x   2 ioFTPD       ioftpd                0 Jun 23 02:24 .
4:28:36 PM drwxr-xr-x  24 ioFTPD       ioftpd       14357552240 Jun 23 08:29 Dir2
4:28:36 PM drwxr-xr-x  51 ioFTPD       ioftpd       10748424602 May 16 05:57 Dir6
4:28:36 PM drwxr-xr-x  37 ioFTPD       ioftpd       7482858336 Jun 10 04:47 Dir3
4:28:36 PM drwxr-xr-x 102 ioFTPD       ioftpd        386708274 Mar 01  2009 Dir5
4:28:36 PM 212 End of Status
This causes Dir5 to appear as "2009 Dir5" in ioGui (but not my FTP client), rendering it unable to CWD into the correct directory. Manually entering "cwd /dir5" does bring me to the correct directory.

STAT -1a gives the following, which suggests that ioFTPD is indeed correctly reading the directory information:

4:30:37 PM > stat -1a
4:30:37 PM 212-Status of .:
4:30:37 PM .
4:30:37 PM Dir2
4:30:37 PM Dir6
4:30:37 PM Dir3
4:30:37 PM Dir5
4:30:37 PM 212 End of Status
I've changed the original names to numbers; the originals are indeed listed alphabetically.
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