Old 05-21-2009, 12:44 AM   #1
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Angry Ad ware / IE crap to the installer

so are you guys going to keep adding IE add ware Plugins in the installer., Like i really need google search, or more crap added to my system Registery. And Also how long you going to keep the program Bata? Personlly 6 to 9 Months is way to long., its like your not working on Windows 7
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Old 05-21-2009, 10:39 AM   #2
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The FlashFXP installer does not contain adware, it does however include the ask search toolbar with FlashFXP integration as an optional install. There is also an optional IE plugin for handling ftp:// links.

Most likely I will be removing the ask toolbar from the next installer.

FlashFXP is still in beta due to a number of reasons, The main reason is that features are still being added and tweaked. I strive for perfection and I refuse to release a product that I don't believe is ready.

We're almost there but not quite.
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crap, installer, long, personlly, ware

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