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Old 06-04-2005, 11:26 AM   #1
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Default ID3 reader to skip music genres on transfer

Many users use FTP to transfer mp3, sometimes people donwload stuff that don't like. I would like to have an ID3 Tag reader so each time before flash fxp downloads an mp3, it will read the id3 tag and if its an allowed music genre, it will download it to our HD or to the other server if its a conection server-to-server, else, will skip that mp3. It can be the music genre and year too.

What you think guys of this idea ??
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Old 06-04-2005, 11:44 AM   #2
Too much time...
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You're transferring files you don't want to, that's amazing

Talking about your feature request, it's nearly impossible on download and on fxp. You need to read the file to be able to extract the genre, the year or whatever other info from the id3 tag. The ftp client can't do that ; it can only transfer files and send commands to the ftp server.
It would be possible on upload since the files are stored on a local hard drive, but I think this feature is a bit too much for a ftp client.
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Old 06-04-2005, 12:17 PM   #3
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Indeed, it's too much for a ftp client and it also doesn't sound like a legitimate feature...
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Old 06-04-2005, 04:34 PM   #4
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Well, thats true... I forgot that id3 tag can only be read when the file is complete.... lol , and the legitimate stuff also is true... but you know that almost all people that use flash fxp are professional ftp users... and mp3 can be legal :P it depends on the situation.. hehe.

I'm very satisfied with flash fxp, I registered it long time ago...

Thanks for posting your opinions
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Old 06-10-2005, 03:41 PM   #5
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Technicaly spoken, you did not need to read the whole damn file to get the tag. You could read just small part of it, where the tag usually is. In this case, a say 512 or 1024 to be safe when the tag is huge (eg. there are both, ID3 v1 and ID3 v2 tags filled with data) from the end of each *.mp3 file and then...

The bad news is, that it probably would work only on servers supporting resume, since I see no other way to get part of file that using resume and tricking the server to think we only need the last part to get file completed...

So this "checking" mode kick out (deselect) some of the mp3 you did not want, based on genre stuff and then you are free to thansfer the rest

Yet probably possible, I strongly vote against bloating such crazy features into neat clean (well, 1.4 is cleaner) FlashFXP proggy

Ever considered what happens, when the user skip the genre stuff, or misfill it?
This idea have IMHO no value

<rest of nonsence removed>
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download, ftp, fxp, id3, mp3

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