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Old 05-12-2005, 02:18 AM   #1
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Default queue - expand folder for site to site transfers

I've noticed that the expand folder functionality only works for downloads. (As mentioned in the release notes of the new version) Could this be expanded ;-) so it also works with site to site transfers?

Would this little extra be functionality that could be in the next update?

Kind regards
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Old 05-12-2005, 02:22 AM   #2
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actually i think it's more of a bug...if i'm not mistaken it's supposed to work for fxp as well..
we'll see what bigstar says
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Old 05-12-2005, 07:27 AM   #3
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AFAIK this isn't a bug . The expand feature for FXP would require a mkdir on the other side, so if you decide not to FXP the files, you should manually delete the folders just made. This is why it's only supported for downloads.
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Old 05-12-2005, 07:44 AM   #4
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I wonder why a directory on the remote site should be made when doing an expand. The two actions are not related.

Suppose it would be possible to expand directories for a site to site transfer, flashfxp could create the directory when you transfer the files, not? When expanding a download, no directory is made on your harddrive either.

I really hope this can be resolved as it's a very nice feature.
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Old 05-12-2005, 07:47 AM   #5
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Well the 2 actions *are* related since Bigstar originally had this feature enabled for FXP as well, and i tested this personally. For now there is no way to get around that, how unfortunate that may be.
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Old 05-12-2005, 01:09 PM   #6
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In order for the expansion to work properly during upload or site to site transfer the expanded folder must be created during the expanding. After talking to several beta testers I decided that the expand folder would be best kept for downloading only.

Beta testers did not like the fact that the folder was created during expansion and I couldn't agree more.

If this is something that still appeals to you, perhaps an INI only setting can be added to overide this and allow expanding during upload/site to site.

The reason this works so well for downloading is that we can get away with attempting to create the full path if it doesn't already exist during download without any performance penalties. On the remote site this is a nightmare and extremely slow. not to mention upsetting the ftp server admin.
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Old 05-13-2005, 04:01 AM   #7
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No, I wouldn't want that kind of behaviour either.
It does seem odd that creating folders on the target is required but I have no clue about the inner workings of flashfxp.
I assumed that expanding a folder was merely a list on the source site.

I would like to use the expand feature to calculate how big my queue is. Also it would be handy to select create a sample of what you want to download.

Anyway, don't bother to implement it as an .ini setting. I wouldn't want directories created for stuff I decide not to download afterwards.
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Old 05-13-2005, 10:42 AM   #8
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When you click expand folders what it really does is perform the same operation that's normally done when transferring the queue, except it doesn't actually transfer any files.

When expanding a folder the following takes place.

1. enter folder on the source site
3. get current path
4. list directory
5. created folder on target site
6. enter folder on target site
7. get current path
8. queue files using the source/target paths

If the directory isn't made at this specific moment then the queue may not have the exact target path, some ftp servers apply special formatting to the folder name after creation.
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expand, folder, functionality, site, works

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