I've recently set up my own ftp server, (not ioFTPd, sorry

) and have been using FlashFXP's sites.dat file to distribute login information to my friends. I've found that it's much easier than having each one set up the correct SSL options.
Something I cannot understand is the order in which the Import Sites list is displayed. At the moment, the first option, and therefore the default, is FlashFXP v1.0 Sites. To me, this seems illogical. In recent memory, I have never had to import a 1.0 site, nor a 1.2/1.3/2.0 site, which is the next option. I think it would help everybody out if the first option (and therefore the default option) on the list was FlashFXP v3.0 Sites.
And for the record, the search link in this thread has been invalidated by the forum upgrade.