well... that does not answer/solve my question/problem. The queue is auto-saved if the connection breaks or the computer power down. I know that. That's good with the timer.
But I'm talking about something like a file-entry in the queue window. If you use the timer, the prog will power down and the file will be incomplete. And you have no control on where in the queue that will happen. Let's say you're uploading a 20MB file @ 14KB/s. If the transfer breaks at 17MB, and the site won't allow you to resume, or deletes the file as incomplete, that's kind of bad. And if you are sleeping in the same room as the computer (with a fan w/ a decibel of about 70) you really would like to complete that upload and continue with the queue the next day. Ofcourse - you can save the queue, delete the files behind the last entry you would like to upload, and then load the old queue, delete the files already uploaded from it, and continue. But that's kind'a tiresome. And I'm lazy.
Look, I just think a feature like that, kind-a like drag-n-drop from the menu to the queue window would be a helpful and quick way of controlling what is done.