ClearType-compatible fonts
Hello. In FlashFXP, you tend to use the font MS Sans Serif a lot, which isn't really compatible with the ClearType feature of Windows XP. It looks the same with ClearType enabled as well. As a result, the fonts aren't smoothed as they should be when ClearType is enabled, meaning it doesn't look as well as it can on LCD monitors.
So, it would be cool if you could use a different font across the interface, such as Tahoma or a similar font. You could also use a font called Microsoft Sans Serif (as opposed to MS Sans Serif), which is a font Microsoft made, which I believe comes with Windows XP, and is the same as MS Sans Serif except that it is compatible with ClearType. I think either of these fonts would make the program not only retain the interface on CRT monitors, but enhance it on LCD monitors.
(I know you can select which font you want to use in options, but that doesn't change all aspects of the interface, only the file listing, queue, and status windows. The status bar, the file/folder size notification, and all the child windows still use jagged fonts.)