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Old 04-14-2002, 12:02 AM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 12
Default Proxy List Manager


It would be very interesting if you can manage several proxies.
The Proxy/Firewall/Ident dialog box under Options->Preferences Menu allows to set only one Proxy server.

Some sites have limited the number of concurrent IP connections from the same address. Some times the bandwidth is also limited per connection. If you use several proxies you could overcome these issues.

Different ftp/fxp server sites could give better transfer speeds if they use different proxy servers.

I suggest to use the Proxy/Firewall/Ident dialog box (slightly modified) as a form to enter/modify/delete proxies data into a list. You can select a default or preferred proxy server from this combo box list. (This list should have -by default- an undeletable entry as "direct connection or no proxy").

In Site Manager under Options replace the check box "Bypass proxy server for this connection" by a selection from this proxy server list.

These changes will allow to have more flexible connections...

[FlashGet uses a proxy list to select a default proxy but it doesn't associate already ftp server <-> proxy server on a one-to-one basis]

My 2 Zens



I think this proposal would help to clarify the proxies discussion in


In fact, whenever FTP/FXP is being more and more widespreaded and extended over the Net. The use of several proxies is becoming a true necessity. Mainly because of (speed, connection, ...) constraints to access which are more frequent today than before. Many people, me included, really needs to deal with several proxies... I think this is becoming the rule, not the exception...

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connection, list, proxies, proxy, server

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