Queue delete++ support
Thanks for a great product, however I have a few suggestions that I think would greately enhance it.
The problem I'm having is that quite frequently I have to move many directories from my local computer to a remote server. I have found no really good way to do this in FlashFXP other than first copying the files, and then manually delete each individual directory. This seems like a task that could be greatly automated.
One possible solution to this problem is to enhance the download queue, so that it insted becomes a general event queue. In other words, instead of only being allowed to add files or folders to the queue to be download, one could add more general events which could do other things. If one were to allow a "delete event", one could easily implement the move mechanism that I need.
As a safety measure, one should be able to mark the delete event as "conditional", so that it would only be executed if there were no previous errors in the event queue. In this way, a "move event" could be implemented as a "copy event" immediately followed by an "conditional delete event".
Another type of event could be the "run event", which would run a specified program when activated. This could be an easy way to support a ".sfv checker", which seems to be a popular suggestion on this forum.
Other possible events could be "disconnect event", which would disconnect from a server, "shutdown events" which would shut down the computer when activated and "sleep events" which would disconnect and do nothing for a specified duration. Yes, I know these things can be accompilshed by using the scheduler or the "on transfer complete", but the event queue seems to me be a more uniform way to handle these situations.
I hope this suggestions will be considered for implementation.
Again thanks for a great product.