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Old 01-03-2002, 09:04 AM   #1
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Default Newbie with a few suggestions

If these options are already available disregard this, I am just learning this new program. I have been using bulletproof and their are a couple of options that I miss.

The first is an "all clear" button on the toolbar. I used this feature alot when I couldnt connect to a server or I was done transferring files. I just hit the all clear button and all fields were cleared making it easy for me to enter new site info without having to open up a new session of the program.

The second is the ability to move around a server's directories or folders during a transfer. I was used to being able to surf around to directories or folders that were in the cache while downloading. I often decide to cue up files that I had already looked at, once I have started my transfer. I have had to either wait until my transfer is finished to cue up more files or stop the download, add files, and then resume my transfer. It was so much easier being able to navigate back to directories or folders that had been opened during my session before I started the transfer.

And one last thing, if I had to stop my connection for any reason or if a server closed a connection, it would be nice that one you logged back on to that same server that it would automatically load unfinished files.

I swear, I am not picky, just making suggestions. Like I said I am very new at this program and these suggestions may already be available and I have just overlooked them. BTW......I love the program, it is great. Thanks
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Old 01-03-2002, 12:27 PM   #2
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The first is an "all clear" button on the toolbar. I used this feature alot when I couldnt connect to a server or I was done transferring files. I just hit the all clear button and all fields were cleared making it easy for me to enter new site info without having to open up a new session of the program.
why don't you just disconnect from current site and open site manager or quick connect window?
And one last thing, if I had to stop my connection for any reason or if a server closed a connection, it would be nice that one you logged back on to that same server that it would automatically load unfinished files.
unless i'm misunderstanding, FlashFXP already does that..
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Old 01-03-2002, 03:10 PM   #3
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Assuming you set the preferences just right, it'll auto-reconnect and resume where it left off. Note that this particular feature is not enabled by default.
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Old 01-27-2002, 08:09 AM   #4
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i think it would be a nice feature to be able to browse from the cache as well.
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Old 03-19-2002, 06:00 PM   #5
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How do you make it so that it will automatically start transferring files in the queue? Does this option only resume transfers that were actually running when it disconnected, or will it resume anything in the queue (ie logging in under browse login, adding files to queue, then waiting in line to login with read permission)
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Old 03-30-2002, 04:59 PM   #6
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Originally posted by ..:::SG:::..
i think it would be a nice feature to be able to browse from the cache as well.
I agree with the quote above ... it's a pain to sit and wait for a 100mb tranfer to finish before you're able to browse (from the cache) other areas of the server.

This addition would be great!
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Old 03-30-2002, 05:07 PM   #7
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due to design limitations this feature is not easy to support, however we do plan on adding it one of these days, if you look it is already on our to-do list.

Hrmm.. I guess it wasn't on the public to-do list, it is now
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