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Suggestions Post suggestions for upcoming versions

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Old 10-14-2003, 12:39 AM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 22
Default A Few Suggestions

I have a few suggestions for future versions of FlashFXP:

1) In site manager site options, add "Use proxy server for this connection"

There are a few sites that I must use a proxy to connect to because my school's internet is really crappy, but I don't want to check bypass proxy server on every site that I don't need to use a proxy on.

2) Add a Window menu to FlashFXP so we can have several FXP's going with only one instance of FlashFXP.

I know most of us hate it when we have multiple FlashFXP icons in our taskbar/systray.

3) Be able to sort the queue by filename, date, size, etc. regardless of how your file listing is sorted.

I like to sort my main file windows by date, but when I FXP I'd like to sort them by size so I get credits for big files before everyone else (edited, you can guess what was here).

Thats all for now
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Old 10-14-2003, 12:46 AM   #2
Super Duper
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Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Brooklyn, NY
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(yeah I use FlashFXP for warez).
it's very stupid of you to say such thing on a public forum accessable to everybody, where your ip and connection times are logged...
and it doesn't add any karma points to you either
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file, flashfxp, proxy, site, sort

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