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Old 03-10-2003, 10:17 AM   #1
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Default Advanced Site Management


When using Flash FXP to upload files to a website (probably a rare use these days), it is a real pain to have to navigate to the local folder, then the remote folder to add a file to the queue.
This gets very tedious the more files I have to upload.

It would be better/easier if after I have set the local and remote root paths if I could just browse and file the files locally and queue them, then when I clicked transfer it changed/created directories on the server relative to the root folder and upload the files I selected.

Those who are familiar with Dreamweaver will know this is how the site management works with that.

No FTP clients that I have come across support this facility and it would be a big plus I think for people who upload to websites.

The nearest thread I found similar to this suggestion is here.
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Old 03-10-2003, 05:43 PM   #2
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I dont really know what you are asking for here... the only thing I can translate from it is that you want to be able to browse a site or queue files when offline..

If this is what your asking for, this has been suggested and is currently being considered.

If this is not what you are talking about, please explain it for me
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Old 03-10-2003, 11:21 PM   #3
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I think he meant something like this;


1. You choose "d:\www" as local root directory
2. You queue a file "432432.jpg" in "d:\www\galleries\june\"
=> Client transfers file "432432.jpg" to "$current_remote_path/galleries/june/"


1. You choose "/galleries" as remote root directory
2. You queue a file "432432.jpg" in "/galleries/june"
=> Client downloads file "432432.jpg" to "$current_local_path\june"

It sounds like it could be useful feature for ppl that are constantly updating their webpages (saves a lot of time, when you don't have to change directories manually on another end)
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Old 03-11-2003, 08:13 AM   #4
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Yes dark0n3 has hit the nail on the head.

That's what I meant
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Old 03-11-2003, 01:41 PM   #5
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What if you access a path on local/remote that doesn't exist on the opposite side, What would be the expected outcome?
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Old 03-12-2003, 04:22 AM   #6
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For the directory/directories to be created at the opposite end.

so if I queued this file locally


but $remote_path/images exists but not the subdirectory new/ on the remote server.

It should create any directories it needs to upload the file(s) to the correct place.

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Old 03-12-2003, 08:40 AM   #7
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hmm, I don't see how it could work like that. If it were to create the folder it would have to create the folder when attempting to change into it during navigation. To do it later when the file is transferred would be quite difficult due to the current design.

I was thinking the easiest way to impliment it would be to have a Folder Syncro Lock, when locked the other side would follow along. However since there's no defined base dir, things could get messy if you were to fall below the base dir on either side.

To do it any other way would probably have to wait until we rewrite FlashFXP.
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Old 03-12-2003, 09:25 AM   #8
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I suppose the syncro lock would work in the short term, being on a fast ish connection would involve too much waiting for the remote dir to navigate itself to where I am locally.

Maybe if you could think about it if/when you rewrite, it really would be a killer selling point for web developers.

Back to macromedia bloatware I suppose
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Old 03-12-2003, 03:22 PM   #9
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Originally posted by bigstar
hmm, I don't see how it could work like that. If it were to create the folder it would have to create the folder when attempting to change into it during navigation. To do it later when the file is transferred would be quite difficult due to the current design.

I was thinking the easiest way to impliment it would be to have a Folder Syncro Lock, when locked the other side would follow along. However since there's no defined base dir, things could get messy if you were to fall below the base dir on either side.

To do it any other way would probably have to wait until we rewrite FlashFXP.
It also needs "simple" symlink check (ie, you have symlink path under /copy_me/):
C> CWD path
S> 250 CWD command successful.
S> 257 "/dont_copy_me/" is current directory.
C> CWD <previous pwd>
S> 257 "/copy_me/"
C> CWD next_path
... and so on ...

This is how I would apply such lock:
1a. User locks remote path => store it to variable locked_remotepath
1b. User locks local path => store it to variable locked_localpath
2a. User changes directory on local => compare new directory against locked_localpath.. if comparison fails (user tries to change to invalid directory), restore path & display error
2b User changes directory on remote => compare new directory against locked_remotepath... again, if comparison fails, change back with nasty error msg
3a. User queues file from local to ftp => Get file's fullpath & remove locked_localpath from it, convert '\' to '/' and add locked_remotepath as prefix. Now you have filename on remote.
3b. User queues file from ftp to local => Get file's fullpath & remove locked_remotepath from it, convert '/' to '\' and add locked_localpath as prefix. There's local path for file.
4. User queues directory from X to Y. => Convert paths just like files + store locked_remotepath & locked_localpath in the queue. Use these stored paths when queuing directory contents.

You could/should have per site local and remote path...

Not sure, if this helps any
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files, folder, local, remote, upload

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