1. Changing Receive/Send Buffer
The thing is that the system default buffer is 8192 byte/s, but for some dialup modem users (like me) it can be very usefull to to be able to change these settings to perform faster directory listings, to prevent ffxp to stuck in the "list" command etc (i found this very usefull option in securefx (
www.vandyke.com - i sometimes use securefx cause the ssh(2) which is not yet implied into ffxp

2. Deleting Temp Files after FTP View/Edit
ffxp offers the feature, thats right, but it only deletes the temp files after u closed ffxp, the thing is that u not always close ffxp after u viewed/edited one ore more file(s)
for example: (i guess) most of us often view the so called temp files like the .nfo ... but normally "we all" disconnect from one
ftp site, connect to another one also view there some .nfo
files and so on
so why cant ffxp delete the temp file after u viewed the file and disconnected from the ftp???
3. Editing local folder bookmarks
No doubt the local folder bookmarks feature is very helpful when u have many partitions/folders etc BUT the problem is that u can ONLY add bookmarks
So there should be also a option which offers u to edit the local bookmarks in case the path to the target folder changed etc
atm its only possible to edit it when opening the bookmarks.dat with a text editor for others who never tried the feature: its the yellow/gold colored star in the upper left in the local browser view
4. Adding Sub Dirs to local folder bookmarks
i know it was already suggested some time ago but i still miss the feature
sub dirs should look like: (below doesnt work if u try to edit the bookmarks.dat

[My Computer]
[My MP3s]
maybe its possible some day to add it like above =)
i use the ffxp 2.0 rc1.5 =)