I am having a problem fxping. I Use Flash FXP 1.4 Build 800. Everytime I try to fxp from this site I get this :+
425 Cannot open data connection.
226 ABOR command successful.
Transfer Failed!
200 Type set to A.
200 PORT Command successful.
I have Put Serv-U . G6 and Now i have Raiden Istalled on this site. Everyone I allow on it can fxp from it and too it but Me.
This is the craziest thing I have ever encountered.
If anyone has any info on what this could possibly be, I would appreciate it.
Steps i have taken..
I have disable Firewall on both sides.. even though it has too be my side that is the Problem

.. but I don't want to believe that.
I have tried 4 different versions.. I have gone to Site Manager and in the Options tab i have checked off the server to server (fxp) options for Upload and Download (non Pasv)..
And many more.. just can't think right now.. Stressed
and Yes all the servers I have installed on this site have Fxp allowed and they all work for other people.
If anyone can give me some sort of direction to go in I would appreciate it
