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Old 03-12-2002, 09:50 AM   #1
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Cool How to connect to Ftp-site behind private network ?

A friend of mine wants to put up a FTP-server, only problem is that he is in a private network, meaning there are 4 people living with him sharing the same internet connection.
his personal IP on the network is for example :
and the IP to the internet is for example

We've allready tried several FTP-clients, but none worked,, is it possible in any way to connect to my friends Ftp-server ?
Is there a special way of defining his IP in FlashFXP ?

Any help would be gratefully appreciated TIA
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Old 03-12-2002, 10:11 AM   #2
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I think I can gather that you do not live with your friend, and you live on another premise. Does his server work in the slightest? Or is it just a problem at your end?

Assuming he cannot get the server to work on the Internet as a whole... You need to check whether he has mapped the relevant FTP port in ICS. E.g. if his server was running on port 21, then he would need to set-up ICS to map port 21 to his computer. Otherwise, the gateway (computer with the Internet connection) will receive the FTP connection attempt (which would be ignored).
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Old 03-12-2002, 04:03 PM   #3
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Thx for answering but his Ftp-server is setup correctly,it works when you connect to it from inside the private network, it's only a problem when you try to connect to it from the outside.

I tought there might a special way to tell the ftp-client that the server is behind a network..

something like :

coz the software used on the computer connected to the internet hasn't got port-mapping possibilities ... and he ain't gonna invest into a new program .

if you can go outside the private network for example with icq, and someone sends something back to you .. then it works (without portmapping)... so there must exist a possibility to addres the computer inside the private network directly without port mapping .
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Old 03-12-2002, 05:05 PM   #4
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your friend is going to need to setup port forwarding. to forward incoming connections from the internet to the correct computer on the network. how he does this will depend on his network setup and whether he's using networking software or a router.
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Old 03-15-2002, 05:08 AM   #5
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What internet sharing solution does he use? Pretty much all have some sort of portmapping capabilities.

If it has none, the only solution is an IP tunnel.. wich is alot harder to setup http://www.winton.org.uk/zebedee/
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connect, ftp-server, internet, network, private

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