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Old 10-23-2001, 12:26 PM   #1
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Default Launching FFXP from command

New to the forum (but not to FFXP, using it for the last 2 years).
In order for FFXP to interact properly with F-secure (I am trying to tunnel my FTP traffic through SSH for security purposes), I need to start FFXP with a command line. This is pretty easy.
But (of course, there is a but..), on my machine, FFXP is installed in the Programs\FlashFxp directory and all my settings (ini and bookmarks mainly) are stored away in a Document\FlashFxp directory.
I know this seems to be complicated, but believe me, when it comes to backup, it far easier to backup the Document dir (with settings for all my soft as well as docs) instead of the whole drive and Programs directories (containing stuf I can reinstall no prob).
The question:
Is there a way to tell FlashFXP to launch from Programs\FlashFxp using the ini and data in Document\FlashFxp ?
I tried the obvious and the less obvious (like pointing to a shortcut.. to no results..)
If not... well... could that be implemented ??
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Old 10-23-2001, 07:32 PM   #2
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This is possible using a windows shortcut.

Simply Change the "Start In" path to settings folder.

There is one requirement, the "FlashFXP.ini" must exist in this folder prior to running FlashFXP. If one is not found FlashFXP defaults to the folder which contains the FlashFXP.exe
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Old 10-24-2001, 08:45 AM   #3
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Thanks for the answer... but this is something I am already using. Problem is.. how do I use this from the command line?
Trying to run something like
"C:\somepath\FlashFXP.lnk" (this is the shorcut name)
does not work.
I also tried
"C:\somepath\FlashFXP.exe c:\someotherpath\flasfxp.ini"
and of course, it tries to ftp to c:\someotherpath\flasfxp.ini.
What I would need is a way to specify the location of the ini file in the command line syntax.
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Old 10-24-2001, 10:07 AM   #4
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have you tried 1st switching to your docs dir and then running FlashFXP from there?
something like

also you should be able to run .lnk from command prompt...at least it works here in Win2K. you could try start command
c:\>start "blah.lnk"
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Old 10-24-2001, 02:15 PM   #5
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Thanks for these tips but .. don't work (here at least, NT4SP6).
I am not sure how to switch directory and launch program in one command (because I am just able to enter one command in F-secure) (BTW this is an idea: create a batch file... I will try).
Also I didn't succeed into launching a .lnk file. Seems this is not working under NT4 (it's not a valid NT application).
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Old 10-24-2001, 04:11 PM   #6
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I would imagine a bat or cmd-file with the start command followed by the exe and any and all parameters should do the trick?
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Old 11-18-2002, 05:49 PM   #7
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Definitely make a batch file - that only seems obvious. But also, you can't just "run" a .lnk file - you have to use "start" to run it. Look above again and notice his command is:

> start "shortcut.lnk"


> shortcut.lnk
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directory, documentflashfxp, ffxp, obvious, settings

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