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Old 02-06-2002, 01:59 AM   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2002
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Exclamation Pictures and mp3's goes bad!

When I trasfer mp3 files to my server, and then download them again they sound horrible (the sound goes on and off etc.) and the file size is incorrect. When I transfer picturesm they come out as a bunch of lines (like somone smashed them from above with a hammer).

I've got automode on, and "mp3" is in the ASCII list, so there shouldn't be any problems. What can I do?
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Old 02-06-2002, 03:06 AM   #2
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If .mp3 is in your ASCII-list, there's no wonder you're having difficulties. When using auto-mode, every extension in the ASCII-list gets transfered in ASCII-mode, ie. as text. You wouldn't want that for mp3-files, so the first thing you should do is remove the .mp3-extension from that list.

I'm ofcourse assuming you're not using a cracked version, because that would also be cause for erratic behaviour.
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automode, hammer, mp3, smashed, sound

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