Is it possible to perform the same RAW command on a whole group? What I wish to do is a site invite on all sites in a group. I could (and do) add it to the advanced tab and connect to each and every site one by one however, that is a bit tedious. It would be excellent to simply choose the group and then ffxp would connect to all the sites, perform the command and then optionally disconnect.
If this is not possible atm i would like to suggest that as i future feature, I know that I'm not alone in wanting this feature
So a suggestion would be adding this as commandline options, e.g.
-raw <command> for the command and
-c for closing ffxp.
( FlashFXP.exe group -raw site invite x -c )
(Oh I almost forgot, this would also be useful for admins adding the same user to different sites - of course