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Old 04-13-2004, 02:34 AM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 2
Question 426 Error - Sometimes works, sometimes doesn't!


I am trying to transfer files across from my PC to Xbox and have done so successfully on occasion. But I do get some problems with certain files and would like some help with this. The error I get is: 426 Connection closed , file opening failed. I hope someone can help with this!

Btw this is a damn good product people!

I have pasted log files below:
(this is example of a time when error comes up)
257 "/E/" is current directory
502 pasv is not implemented.
PORT 192,168,0,33,6,250
200 Port command ok.
150 Opening ASCII data connection for ls /E/.
226 free disk space under this directory : 4.426.039.296
List Complete: 497 bytes in 0.11 (0.49 KBps)
200 Type set to IMAGE.
502 pasv is not implemented.
PORT 192,168,0,33,6,251
200 Port command ok.
STOR Hunter_X_Hunter_Greed_Island_OVA_1[A-Faith].avi
426 Connection closed , file opening failed.
Transfer Failed!
200 Type set to ASCII.
502 pasv is not implemented.
PORT 192,168,0,33,6,252
200 Port command ok.
150 Opening ASCII data connection for ls /E/.
226 free disk space under this directory : 4.426.039.296
List Complete: 497 bytes in 0.09 (0.49 KBps)
Transfer queue completed
1 File failed to transfer
(this is example when transfer works)
257 "/E/" is current directory
200 Type set to ASCII.
502 pasv is not implemented.
PORT 192,168,0,33,7,4
200 Port command ok.
150 Opening ASCII data connection for ls /E/.
226 free disk space under this directory : 4.426.039.296
List Complete: 497 bytes in 0.13 (0.49 KBps)
200 Type set to IMAGE.
502 pasv is not implemented.
PORT 192,168,0,33,7,5
200 Port command ok.
STOR Britney.Spears-Toxic.SVCD-tV_g.mpg
150 Opening BINARY data connection for E:\Britney.Spears-Toxic.SVCD-tV_g.mpg
226 Transfer finished successfully. Data connection closed.
Transferred: Britney.Spears-Toxic.SVCD-tV_g.mpg 70.24 MB in 11.63 (6,186.79 KBps)
200 Type set to ASCII.
502 pasv is not implemented.
PORT 192,168,0,33,7,6
200 Port command ok.
150 Opening ASCII data connection for ls /E/.
226 free disk space under this directory : 4.352.376.832
List Complete: 592 bytes in 0.09 (0.58 KBps)
Transfer queue completed
* FlashFXP v[2 ].[1 ], build [924], [x]registered, [ ]unregistered, [ ]pirated
* OS [x] WinXP, [ ] Win2K, [ ] Win98, [ ] WinME, [ ] Other
* Running behind NAT/router [x] Yes & Model [DSE XH1149], [ ] No, [ ] Not sure
* Running firewall [x] Yes, Name [Nortan Internet Security], Ver. [], or [ ] No
* Running Antivirus [x] Yes, Name [Nortan AntiVirus] or [ ] No
* Network [x] xDSL, [ ] CABLE, [ ] Dail-Up, [ ] Other
* FTP server(s) name [Xbox], version [1 ]
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Old 04-13-2004, 03:00 AM   #2
Super Duper
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Location: Brooklyn, NY
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please update your forum profile to include your flashfxp id.

try to rename your pirated moves before you upload them to xbox. prolly it doesn't like that file name
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Old 04-13-2004, 07:06 AM   #3
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 2

Originally posted by MxxCon
please update your forum profile to include your flashfxp id.

try to rename your pirated moves before you upload them to xbox. prolly it doesn't like that file name
Yes I have already tried this but to no avail
morphT is offline  

200, list, pasv, port, type

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