Hi Bigstar, I went here :
https://secure.shareit.com/shareit/checkout.html?sessionid=104041487&random=3125c8f4a fb285ddb51d4fe4342c41d6&productid=133321&quickbuy= 1
But in the options there is NO debit card option. Should I use the "Credit card" option and proceed ? And what is my "coupon code" ?
Also I see there "
Note: Important product-specific information such as the invoice or license key will be sent to you by e-mail. Free e-mail addresses are not accepted for online orders paid by credit or debit card. Click here for more information on how to order using a freemail account. "
What does this mean ? Can't I use any of my email ids at Rediffmail or Hotmail or Yahoo ? I have to use a paid email id for purchasing

Please help me. This is the first time I am hoping to make any online purchase .