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Old 12-29-2001, 09:02 PM   #1
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Default Show password instead of asterisks?

I have recently purchased FlashFXP and like it quite well. Before that I mostly used SmartFTP. One thing that SmartFTP has that I used was the option to hide or show the passwords for site records. Since I am the only person using this PC, I am not worried about security and I want to see the passwords in the fields instead of asterisks. Is there any way to do this now? If not, could an option be added in the future?
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Old 12-30-2001, 03:06 AM   #2
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we have discussed this several times in the past but we never really got anywhere.

We could make it an option in future versions provided it did not result in a security issue.

My thought would be to add a checkbox next to the password field and if checked the password would be shown, if not shown than asterisks. If the user clciks the checkbox and a password is already entered the user would be prompted and warned the password is about to be cleared, they would click ok and the password field would then show passwords as clear text.

By doing the above we eliminate any security risk of existing passwords being shown, the user will have to re-enter all the passwords they want displayed as plain text.
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Old 12-30-2001, 07:11 AM   #3
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Thanks for the fast reply!

The hidden passwords aren't really secure anyway. Using a free app like Show Password I can easily see them. In general though, I'd prefer the turn off the asterisks. If I don't want a password viewed, I will set it so I have to enter it each time.
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asterisks, option, passwords, show, smartftp

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