I am trying to connect to a site that i know for sure is up but the conection will just hang. I have tried passive mode on and off and also site uses ipmasq/nat/non-routable ip. But nothing seems to work. I can connect to other sites but this one just wont work
* FlashFXP v[2].[1], build [924], [X]registered, [ ]unregistered,
* OS [X] WinXP, [ ] Win2K, [ ] Win98, [ ] WinME, [ ] Other
* Running behind NAT/router [X] Yes & Model [LinkSys ]
* Running firewall [X] Yes, Name [Black Ice and Sygate ]
* Running Antivirus [X] Yes, Name [Norton antivirus ] or [ ] No
* Network [ ] xDSL, [X] CABLE, [ ] Dail-Up, [ ] Other
Now for a log:
[11:27:41] Connecting to Site
[11:28:02] Connection failed (Connection timed out)
[11:28:02] Delaying for 15 seconds before reconnect attempt #1
I can get on all other ftp sites fine though so i have no idea what is wrong