Hi All,
I was wondering if there is a way to automatically reset all failed downloads in a queue? i.e CTRL+ALT+R
The reason I ask is that when I fxp to one of my sites I sometimes get the following error:
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,114,161,237,4,198)
PORT 213,114,161,237,4,198
200 PORT Command successful.
STOR tdi-dkfl.part089.rar
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for tdi-dkfl.part089.rar.
RETR tdi-dkfl.part089.rar
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for tdi-dkfl.part089.rar.
226 [PWD: /dvd-r/Darkness.Falls.DVDR-TDi/ ]-[Section: Default]-[Credits: 0.0M]-[Ratio: Unlimited]-[Speed: 102.0kb/s]
426 Data connection closed, receive file tdi-dkfl.part089.rar aborted.
Transfer Failed!
This can happen to a complete queue and wipe all the files out very quickly

But after a few minutes the site is ok again, but needs a manual reset all failed command!