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Old 05-09-2003, 07:00 PM   #1
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Posts: 5
Unhappy Site to Site problem: 500 'òABOR': command not understood

hi looking to get FLASHFXP so I got the eval version.

I'm trying to go site to site.

- Source machine is behind a firewall (a computer with a software firewall installed - acting like a linksys) the Destination machine is not.
- both have valid internet IP's (no nat).
- Both servers are using IIS5.0 (win2k) MSFTP and they are both configured to act like Unix (not MS-DOS).
- I setup a rule in the firewall to allow all traffic (all ports and all protocols) between the 2 machines' IP addresses.
- I'm running FlashFXP on the Source machine directly, so it is connecting to its own ftpservice.

If I don't try site to site, everything works fine, but when I go site to site I get the following:

227 Entering Passive Mode (137,103,90,19,9,84).
PORT 137,103,90,19,9,84
200 PORT command successful.
STOR conduit.bat
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for conduit.bat.
RETR conduit.bat
426 Connection closed; transfer aborted.
226 Transfer complete.
Transfer Failed!
227 Entering Passive Mode (137,103,90,19,9,85).
LIST -al
125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
226 Transfer complete.
500 'òABOR': command not understood
PORT 137,103,90,19,9,87
227 Passive mode entered (65,214,35,231,81,196)
200 PORT command successful.
LIST -al
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
226 Transfer complete.
Transfer queue completed
1 File failed to transfer

no matter what options I choose, I always get:
500 'òABOR': command not understood

the only difference bewteen the settings I've tried is that I get errors doing PORT. The Destination FTP always ends up with a 0byte file.

the goal here is to eventually use command-line and schedule this daily for FTP-to-FTP sync...
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Old 05-09-2003, 07:19 PM   #2
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Posts: 5

Well, if I use FLASHFXP on the Destination machine and do a site-to-site PULL from the machine behind the firewall, it works great.

I can live with this, but any thoughts on why I can't push?
jmarr is offline  
Old 05-09-2003, 08:41 PM   #3
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I suspect it might have something to do with the firewall on the source site. A simple test would be to change the ftp server port to something other than 21 and see if that works, if it does then it's the firewall. some firewalls interfere with site to site transfers.
bigstar is offline  

command, mode, port, site, transfer

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