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Old 04-23-2003, 11:23 PM   #1
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Default Problems connecting to FTP behind SpeedStream 2604 4 port router

Hey everyone,
An ftp I used to use currently switched server programs and now I can't connect to it. I did all the things that the administrator told me to, and now he doesn't know whats wrong, cept that its on my end. The first thing I did was open all ports. With all open I get this:
Connected to ***.***.***.*** -> IP=***.***.***.*** PORT=****
Ident Request: ***.***.***.***
Ident Request: ***.***.***.***
Connection failed (Connection lost)

Without all ports open i just get:
Connected to ***.***.***.*** -> IP=***.***.***.*** PORT=****
Connection failed (Connection timed out)

So it seems as if opening the ports does do something, just not enough. Im running version 2.0 build 911, i was using 906 but same problems. Im behind a SpeedStream 2604 4 port router. Another thing of interest, is that when i disconnected from the router and connected directly to my cable modem I couldn't connect either. If anyone has any ideas please post a reply. Thanks for you time.
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Old 04-23-2003, 11:48 PM   #2
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it seems like you need to open port 113 for allow ident. that's why you saw ident requests when you opened all ports..

but even once ident is working make sure that you entered all correct info for username, password and ident.
if all that info is correct but server still kicking you out it's something on server side..
ask server admin what's the reason(error msg) server is kicking you out..
[Sig removed by Administrator: Signature can not exceed 20GB]
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Old 04-25-2003, 01:12 AM   #3
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Ask the server admin if he intentionally has his server performing Ident requests, and what for. This is not a very common thing, but FlashFXP is capable of responding to the requests. Ident is fairly archaic, especially today where everyone owns their own machine rather than logging into a public terminal. IRC servers still use Ident as a method to insure a user isn't connected via insecure anonymous proxy.

To enable Ident in FlashFXP, goto menu: Options > Preferences [F6] > Proxy/Firewall/Ident, and Checkmark [] "Enable" then enter a "User ID" (can be your username), leave it set at UNIX and port 113. Uncheck [] "Enable only when connecting" for now until you get it to work.

You'll want to Port Forward / Virtual Server TCP port 113 from your router to your local machine address. Test in DMZ first (ports all open).

- Raccoon
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connected, connection, open, ports, router

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