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Old 03-14-2003, 08:58 AM   #1
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Default file sizes cut short when I upload

Hi, I am trying out the latest release I am in my evaulation period still.I am jusing flash 2.0 build 906. I am running winXP on a 1.8ghz P4 system on a T1 line. I love this program but I have noticed that I am having one problem with my uploads, intermittently it stops prematurely and continues on the the next file in the queue. If I transfer files with text documents, say its a 400 kb file, it will send 390, or 391 kb for example, and if I re-transfer it, it will resume and eventually complete the 400 kb. Sometimes it takes 2 re-transfers before it does get it complete. Some files are complete and some are not, its kinda hit and miss. If I do not keep a close eye on things that I have transfered, the files are corrupt on the receiving end. I do not have any sort of problem with my downloads, only when I upload. I have not tested the site to site transfer, so I dont know if that is ok or not. I have even tried to slow my uploads down, I put a speed limit on it as low as 5kbs and still I have the same problem. I have this problem with several ftp's so it is not on the receiving end. Does anyone know why this would be happening? I really like this program, but if I have to continue to redo my uploads, I will not be purchasing this.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Old 03-14-2003, 02:15 PM   #2
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Please insure that you downloaded FlashFXP directly from our website and not some other site, where it's possible the FlashFXP.exe has been modified.


Are you using ZoneAlarm or any other software firewall? For some reason they seem to conflict with FlashFXP. Disabling a software firewall isn't always enough and uninstalling it is required.

Are you uploading in Binary or Ascii Mode?
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Old 03-14-2003, 03:40 PM   #3
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So, what about users who have a high-speed internet connection that's always active and need the protection of a firewall?

It's not an issue for me, because I use a hardware firewall that's built into a router (and I have no problems with FlashFXP). It's just a concern I have for future use.

Is this being looked into?
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Old 03-14-2003, 05:27 PM   #4
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Its not always an issue with firewalls... I have no problem with BlackICE..
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Old 03-14-2003, 05:30 PM   #5
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OK, good. Just wanted to make sure of that
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Old 03-15-2003, 01:46 AM   #6
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OK I do run Zone Alarm Pro, I will Uninstall and give it a try. I will wait till monday to actually test, its my next day at work to try to transfer.
How can I tell what mode that it transfers with? (so I can answer your question) (binary or ascii)
Yes I did download the file from your site BTW.

If it turns out that it is my firewall, is there one that usually works flashFXP? Or how do you suggest that I continue to protect my PC? Just curious..

Thanks In Advance for the help
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Old 03-15-2003, 03:58 AM   #7
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This is going to cause chaos with opinions... but as I said in my last post.

I havnt had any problems with BlackICE.

Im sure there are other firewalls out there that also work, but thats the one I use.
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Old 03-15-2003, 05:58 AM   #8
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Originally posted by lugnut
How can I tell what mode that it transfers with? (so I can answer your question) (binary or ascii)
TYPE I is binary
TYPE A is ascii
If it turns out that it is my firewall, is there one that usually works flashFXP? Or how do you suggest that I continue to protect my PC? Just curious..
if you still want to use ZoneAlarm, make sure you are running newest version of it. i belive latest version right now is 3.7.098
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Old 03-17-2003, 04:03 PM   #9
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OK I still am having problems even with zone alarm uninstalled.
When I transfer files it says : Type I
I did another test of sending some files and here is an example of what I am getting:
file 1 - 19kb sent / 7kb rec'd
file 2 - 25kb / 17kb
file 3 - 38kb / 25kb
file 4 - 28kb / 17kb
file 5 - 47kb / 34kb
file 6 - 20kb / 7kb
file 7 - 18kb / 7kb
file 8 - 34kb / 25kb

all of these happen to be short, but every now and then one does complete correctly. In my log, it says that file #1 19kb sent ok , file #2 25kb sent ok, etc... so its loging them that they are complete transfers.

I can send you a copy of this log if that would help.
I just didnt want to post anything showing IP address's

Any ideas ?
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Old 03-17-2003, 09:18 PM   #10
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Delete your FlashFXP folder and re-install FlashFXP, download FlashFXP directly from our website https://oss.azurewebsites.net/download.php
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Old 03-18-2003, 01:20 PM   #11
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I did delete the folder and reinstalled the file that was downloaded from your site, and I get the exact same thing... I duplicated the test, and sent the same exact files as last time, it cut them short, but the odd thing is the file sizes that end up on the receiving end are the same size as the previous test.
I still have not put any firewall back in place either. I am also now begining to receive a message that I am now over my evaluation period, it says I installed it 33 days ago. I dont know if this will effect anything as far as testing, but it seems to work the same as it always has.

I am completely lost, any further help would greatly be appreciated!!
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Old 03-18-2003, 02:39 PM   #12
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Are the files being uploaded over a SSL connection?

What ftp server software is the host running?

I too am lost for words as to why the files keep coming up short, We've never encountered a bug report quite like this that wasn't resolved by uninstalling ZoneAlarm.

I can't think of anything else that would explain the files coming up short.
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Old 03-18-2003, 04:43 PM   #13
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I dont know what a SSL connection is??

The ftp host server is a G-6 FTP server.

I have tried a 2nd ftp also, and get similar results.
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Old 03-19-2003, 12:00 PM   #14
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Originally posted by bigstar
...Are you using ZoneAlarm or any other software firewall? For some reason they seem to conflict with FlashFXP. Disabling a software firewall isn't always enough and uninstalling it is required.[/B]
It seems to have no problems with Norton Internet Security Personal Firewall
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Old 03-19-2003, 03:52 PM   #15
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a SSL connection is an encrypted connection with the ftp server since you're unsure about it, I would say it's not a secure connection. As you would of had to enable it.
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complete, file, files, problem, uploads

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