ok well i could start off by telling you what version of flashfxp i am using but since this problem isn't version spacific i can skip that part....
here is what i have setup:
cablemodem to a DLink PIECE OF **** wireless *802.11b* router.. that router has 2 pc's, one is mine (wireless) and one is my roommates (wired)
the problem is on both of the pc's, what pisses me off is its intermitent ;/..
here is what happens.. SOMETIMES when i queue stuff, after the first file or so , it will stall , soemtimes it will hang long enough for me to get disconnected *60second idle*
Skipping: teg-cmiyc-cd1.part12.rar (sits here for 10seconds)
227 Entering Passive Mode (xxx,99,xxx,10,15,255)
PORT xxx,99,xxx,10,15,255 (sits here for 20seconds-1min)
200 PORT Command successful.
STOR whatever.rar
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for whatever.rar
RETR whatever.rar
check this out..
Transferred: whatever.rar 14.31 MB in 7.09 (2,064.91 KBps)
good speeds right? nope.. cause it takes 30seconds-2min inbetween files, ,usually i am reconnecting after every other file... so my fxp that should take 10+min is taking 2+hr just cuase of this damn stalling thing !!!
i stick myself in DMZ mode , no apparent change (remember this problem isn't consistant , it is USUALLY happening but like 10% of the time i don't have a problem)..
no software firewalls on my pc, also i just formated and installed win2k w/ sp3 (so its not my os)
any ideas on a workaround ? is this 100% my router? there is no way to change ANY kind of timeout setting on this pos so please don't ask me to do that , just give me a 'fix'

) hehe
anything will be greatly appreachated ..