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Old 01-18-2002, 05:44 PM   #1
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Exclamation 1 little bug, "Obey download/upload limit"

I've discovered a little bug.

When I use the "Obey download speed limit" and "Obey upload speed limit" I found out, that if I have 2 (or more) FlashFXP's running, it doesn't work right, when I change the value.

If I have 2 FlashFXP's running, both set to eg. 20KB/sec and I change it to eg. 10KB/sec in FlashFXP-1, the value allso changes in FlashFXP-2. That is, when I go into the config in FlashFXP-2 I can se the change, but the speed havn't changed, that doesn't happen untill I type in a value in FlashFXP-2 and press ok.

I can se that is's smart, that the speed is independent from FlashFXP to FlashFXP, but then the config shouldn't change IMO. It's a bit confusing, not that I didn't guess what the problem was, but since the rest of FlashFXP is such a good and welldesigned program, it would be nice to have it 100% pefect. :-)

Just my 0.02 euros (inflation you know).
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Old 01-18-2002, 06:50 PM   #2
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There are a few things you must first understand.

When you apply a change in FlashFXP (i.e. Click OK in Preferences) these settings are immediately saved to disk.

Now when the Preference dialog is opened it loads these settings from disk. FlashFXP will only update the internal settings for the majority of these settings if you click OK.

I felt this was the best way to manage multiple instances.

So for example

FTP 1 - you enable speed limiting
FTP 2 - if you open the preference dialog and click OK speed limiting will become enabled, and that's the only way.

There is an alternative option that you can add to the FlashFXP.ini, that will disable this type of behavior.

under [main] add

By setting this value, settings are not saved until exit, which means if you have two copies of FlashFXP open, make a change in FTP1 and exit, then exit FTP2, the changes you made in FTP1 would be overwrote with the from FTP2.
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Old 01-26-2002, 07:07 PM   #3
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Yeah, I more or less figgured that out, and I can't quite seem to find a suitable solution for the problem.

My message was just to let you know, that the behaviour in that case could be a bit confusing. And to get to get the little grey cells on the top floor moving arround. :-)
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Old 01-26-2002, 08:46 PM   #4
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The Greys are way ahead of you, atleast this once. That's how they have remained hidden for all these years.
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change, flashfxp, limit, obey, speed

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