Ok then let us continiue in private, I sent you a HUGE message, I would have compressed it and thrown it on my webserver, but it seems offline atm
Anyways, I hope the PM will give you some clues, cuz actually Im not so sure its GFTPd after all, well it most have a part in it, as BPFTPd just said, no such directory and stopped...
To others in this thread, I can say, without giving the entire log file:
Ok I ran the same test today, here is a little detail:
stading in the "/-=[ Drive D ]=-" folder and que's only:
/-=[ Drive D ]=-/GuildFTPd38583.exe
/-=[ Drive D ]=-/moved.folder/
Then deleting the /moved.folder/ locally (via MS windows explorer).
Starts the transfer, and when FFXP or GFTPd cant access /moved.folder/, it goes to parant and starts, you can see that in the attached log file, as its starts to download from /-=[ Drive D ]=-/@@@@@backup/
I also tried to que it like this:
/-=[ Drive D ]=-/Download/GuildFTPd38583.exe
/-=[ Drive D ]=-/moved.folder/
Then when it cant find the /-=[ Drive D ]=-/moved.folder/, it goes to /-=[ Drive D ]=-/Download/ and starts downloading everything locatated in this folder.