i recently changed from normal ftp to ssl, now i discovered that aborting takes much longer than normal. here's a transfer log
using ssl
[07:50:50] (soft abort)
[07:50:50] [L] ABOR
[07:50:51] [L] 226 Abort successful.
[07:51:01] Transferred 13 files totaling 178.644.770 bytes in 20 minutes 7 seconds (150,8 KB/s)
[07:51:01] Skipped 40 files
[07:51:01] User Aborted
[07:51:06] [L] 426 Connection closed (exception : Ein Vorgang bezog sich auf ein Objekt, das kein Socket ist. )
no ssl
[07:54:00] (soft abort)
[07:54:00] [L] ABOR
[07:54:01] [L] 226 Abort successful.
[07:54:01] [L] 426 Connection closed (exception : Eine bestehende Verbindung wurde softwaregesteuert durch den Hostcomputer abgebrochen. )
[07:54:01] [L] Transfer Failed!
[07:54:02] Skipped 40 files
[07:54:02] User Aborted
so with ssl takes 16 seconds and without 2 seconds, is this the fault of the server(raidenftp) or the client(flashfxp)or the fault of ssl and this is a normal ssl abort time
