Old 06-21-2002, 03:04 PM   #1
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Question problem with updated settings...

Oh well the new rc1 was long awaited but there are some very strange bugs which were not in the older 1.4.4 betas, i tested the new rc1 for some hours on different server types etc...

flashfxp does NOT update the settings...

made in: File Exists Rules, whole Preferences thing (F6), status window (timestamp etc)

when u change the preferences in one of the above listed
dialog windows it does not change it in any other running ffxp

normally it should change the new settings "on the fly", like
it worked in any older version...

actually it updates the flashfxp.ini file with the new settings
but when u change the settings while using 2 or more at the same time it wont update the currently running flashfxp instances (if u close ffxp and restart it after u changed some settings then ffxp re-reads the .ini file)

so the problem is that ffxp does not re-read the new settings from the .ini while working with it

If u change the settings while u only have 1 ffxp running all works fine (also when u start a second ffxp (after u first made the changes), the first changed settings will be used in any new ffxp window )

for example:
u start one ffxp process, then u change some settings etc all works fine, then u start one more ffxp and it will use the settings made in the first window BUT:

u start two (or more) ffxp and then u make changes to the first
or even to the second started ffxp it wont use the new settings in all running ffxp processes, it doesnt matter if u made the changes to the first started ffxp or to the second started one, it only changes the settings to the current ffxp windows, not to the other one(s)

other things to know:
- i tested with the new rc1 (860)
- i did a clean install of the new rc1, so no old settings used
- i run windows xp

sorry for my bad english
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Old 06-21-2002, 03:27 PM   #2
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The way FlashFXP saves/loads settings hasn't changed, it operates in the same way it always has.

That is, if you make a change in one instant of FlashFXP those changes are not directly updated in other active instances.
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Old 06-21-2002, 03:33 PM   #3
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hmmm i thought in the older versions it worked, anyway any chance that it will work some day the way i wrote above with direct changes???
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Old 06-21-2002, 09:42 PM   #4
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Actually BigStar he is somewhat correct. I frequently have to change the dl limits allow for all connections to run about the same (yes stupid, but as I write this I have downloads running in 11 instances of ffxp simultaniously).

The way it has always worked is, Open the options dialog on one of the running ffxp's. turn on dl limit and set it to a number. now if you goto any of the other occurances you will notice that the dl speeds have not been affected. But...If you open up the options dialog in that instance and look at the limiter, you will see it is checked and has the same value you set in the previous instance. Now if you click ok it will apply all settings to the current instance as well. Typically all i do is set on instance then goto each of the others and open then immediately close the options dialog. now they are all running under the limit control.

This is only 1 option that I know this applies to. I have not tried it with others. What I believe causes this behavior is the fact that the options are only initiated under 2 circumstances. 1) When FFXP loads & 2) when the options dialog box is opened and apply or ok is used.

If I am wrong plz explain the effects I have described.

I have yet to install RC1 as I only now downloaded it and have about 52 hours of downloads to complete before I shut down....lol
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Old 06-21-2002, 10:01 PM   #5
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That is correct.
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