Hello all,
I just registering my FlashFXP and i'm really happy to done that

So, I currently download on a FTP and all 5 minutes (approximately) I stop receiving anything, with this type of error messages :
[17:12:46] Transfer Timed Out
[17:12:46] ABOR
[17:13:16] Connection lost: x.x.x.x
[17:13:16] Attempting to Reconnect.
[17:13:16] Transfer Failed!
[17:13:19] Connecting to x.x.x.x
[17:13:40] Connection failed (Connection timed out)
[17:13:40] Delaying for 30 seconds before reconnect attempt #1
[17:24:38] Transfer Timed Out
[17:24:38] ABOR
[17:25:08] Connection lost: x.x.x.x
[17:25:08] Transferred 1 file totaling 578 KB in 04:42 (4,58 KBps)
[17:25:08] Attempting to Reconnect.
[17:25:08] Transfer Failed!
Can I try some options or that's the fault of the FTP server ?
Thank you in advance
PS : I have tried "Send noops during transfer" ans "Use Passive Mode"