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Old 11-08-2004, 09:39 AM   #1
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Default f-secure & flashfxp - NO list :(

* FlashFXP v[3].[0].[2], build [1045], [x]registered, [ ]unregistered, [ ]pirated
* OS [x] WinXP, [ ] Win2K, [ ] Win98, [ ] WinME, [ ] Other
* Running behind NAT/router [x] Yes & Model [can't check...], [ ] No, [ ] Not sure
* Running firewall [x] Yes, Name [F-secure Internet Security 2005], Ver. [ ], or [ ] No
* Running Antivirus [x] Yes, Name [F-secure IS 2005] or [ ] No
* Network [x] xDSL, [ ] CABLE, [ ] Dail-Up, [ ] Other

Okay flash fxp has worked like a dream so far but two days ago we purchased F-secure Internet Security 2005 -antivirus, firewall etc. packages and after installing the product the problems started.

FlashFXP doesn't list directories anymore (exact same problem as in this thread): http://forum.flashfxp.com/showthread...&threadid=5089

I tried everything I can figure of in F-secure FW etc. settings with no luck. I unistalled F-secure package and FlashFXP works again but I can't live without any protection (and I have to use f-secure since it's our company policy) and on the other hand I can't live without flashfxp since it's the best and I need it daily and I don't even wanna think of getting some other client.

Hope someone has a solution...drives me nuts.
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Old 11-08-2004, 10:17 AM   #2
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I think the following applies.. The way it's worded I believe it was originally intended for ftp servers using active mode. However the same would apply to ftp clients using passive mode. I'm not sure how F-Secure is configured so you might need to adjust the rule using this as a guide.

If you are still unable to get it working I would recommend you contact F-Secure and ask them how to configure their firewall to work with FlashFXP or FTP clients in general.


Does F-Secure Internet Security 2005 Service Personal Firewall support Active FTP?

Yes, but you have to create a new rule (outbound) in the custom security level, by using the predefined Active FTP Service (FTP / File Transfer Protocol, active mode)
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Old 11-10-2004, 03:19 AM   #3
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Oh no - didn't help.

Now it lists ok on some servers but not at all on some.

I called F-secure and they had no solution to the problem except that there has to be some kind of incompatibility with the two softwares.

Funny thing is that if I DISABLE the f-escure firewall list doesn't work but if I uninstall the whole f-secure software package then listing works.

Strange indeed.
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Old 11-18-2004, 03:54 AM   #4
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No solution yet - anything you guys can think of?

F-Secure seems to do nothing to this issue
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f-secure, flashfxp, fxp, running, [x]

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