Old 08-22-2004, 03:11 AM   #1
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Default Local Port Range

* FlashFXP v[3].[0], build [1015],[*]unregistered
* OS[*] WinXP + SP 1
* Running behind NAT/router[*] No
* Running firewall[*] Yes, Name [Sygate Personal Firewall], Ver. [5.5], Build [2364]
* Running Antivirus[*] No
* Network[*] CABLE

General Problem:
In The Connection-Tab {Preferences}, I've set up "Limit Local Port Range to : 2000 - 2100".
But every time, I'm using the active connection "PORT", the local ports are not within this Range, for example:
PORT ***,***,137,18,7,211
PORT ***,***,137,18,7,212
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Old 08-22-2004, 03:57 AM   #2
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In the first instance the port is 2013, which is with your range.

The port isn't visible in "plain text".
It takes the last two numbers (7 and 221) and converts them to binary (00000111 and 11011101). It then connects them to one long string (0000011111011101) and converts it back to "normal" numbers (2013).

The second is 00000111 + 11010100 = 0000011111010100 -> port 2004.

I'm not entirule sure this is right, so if anyone wants to correct me, go for it.
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Old 08-22-2004, 05:03 AM   #3
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possible you're right, but my firewall tolds me, when the List-Command is used, then it uses
Remote-Port : 20
local Port: 500x

Is that normal?
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Old 08-22-2004, 09:45 PM   #4
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if that is normal, you'll have to take it up with your firewall...
ffxp is telling that server to connect to a given port...if the server was connecting to any other port, you wouldn't get file list. so i'm pretty sure your firewall is wrong, or it's showing something else beside ftp session
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Old 08-23-2004, 03:57 AM   #5
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I've set up to this port range full access (TCP, both directions). When I disable the Firewall, then it works fine.
I took a look at the packet protocol of the firewall to check, which requests were blocked. The requests within the port range don't have been blocked, but I found one blocked request of the FTP-Server I tried to connect. This was the connection on Port 500x, so I'm sure it's the data connection for the LIST-command. Is there a special port range for LIST?

Any ideas what to do? Normally I use PASSIVE without prolems, but some FTP-server don't allow passive, therefor I need the ACTIVE-session too :-/

I saw, that different FTP-server always used ports of 5001++, so I allowed access for this range and it works now fine. I don't know, why the FTP-server don't uses the given port range
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flashfxp, local, port, range, running

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