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Old 08-11-2004, 12:58 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 115
Default Status "Command Failure" before initing transfer


I know this is a really little bug but I want to mention it though. When you init a transfer (no matter if up/download), FlashFXP executes a command internally, it's the SIZE-command, to determine if the file really doesn't exist, or where it has to resume.
This command will be hidden if it fails, like this should proof:
[07:44:06] [L] TYPE I
[07:44:07] [L] 200 Type set to I.
[07:44:07] [L] PASV
[07:44:07] [L] 227 Entering Passive Mode
While in my FTP-Server i see the following:
(07:44:06) - blubb (192.168.1.x) TYPE I
(07:44:07) - blubb (192.168.1.x) 200 Type set to I.
(07:44:07) - blubb (192.168.1.x) SIZE audio.mp2
(07:44:07) - blubb (192.168.1.x) 550 No such file or directory.
(07:44:07) - blubb (192.168.1.x) PASV
(07:44:07) - blubb (192.168.1.x) 227 Entering Passive Mode
You may ask why I complain? Well, if you take a look at the Statusbar you'll see "Command failure" exactly in the moment, where FlashFXP gets the 550 reply to SIZE. If the command should be hidden (maybe it shouldn't?), why do we see the Status message?

cu, blubb
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Old 08-11-2004, 01:10 AM   #2
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Thank you for your bug report.

Yes, the command failure should be supressed. This will be resolved in the next update.

Thank you

No bug is too small
bigstar is offline  

074407, 192.168.1.x, blubb, command, flashfxp

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