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Old 08-10-2004, 09:06 AM   #1
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Default Resume download very big files

The flashfxp I use is v3.0 bulid1001, I found when it resume downloading very big files, it can't work properly, actually, althrough the size of these big file displayed in the list of ftp server is correct, say 4.67G, but when downloading it, the file size according to the percentage of already downloaded size is much smaller, say 681M, but it can still downloading when "all " these "small part " has been downloaded. When the downloaded part exceed the "small part " and I want to resume your downloading of the big file when connect the ftp server again, a prompt notes I that I may choose to use the "small part" to replace the exist downloaded part, or skip it, or rename it, but can't resume it. So if I can't download the big file for the first time, I may can't resume downloading it but only to download it from the beginning.
I am not sure whether it's a bug or I may need to make some setting to overcome this "bug", Thanks for the suggestion and advise.
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Old 08-10-2004, 09:24 AM   #2
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i just ran a test myself using a single 4.36GB file, and i stopped and started this download a few times during the transfer, on all re-connects it resumed fine.

have u set your file excists rules to resume files?, plus please update to the latest version 3 of flashfxp which is build 1015
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Old 08-10-2004, 09:43 AM   #3
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I had set the resume flag, but it can't works, but the situation is that the size of the downloaded part seems " bigger" than the file size of server files when I reconnect the server and want to resume the downloading the big file.
Is the size of file calculated by the percentage displayed when your downloading is the same with the size listed by the ftp server window?
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Old 08-10-2004, 09:44 AM   #4
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which brings up the question of how this version still works though it had an expiring date? unless of course u adjust the time in your pc every now and then
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Old 08-10-2004, 09:47 AM   #5
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please install latest version from the ffxp website (V3.0 Build 1015) and try it again
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download, downloading, flashfxp, ftp, part

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