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Old 05-21-2006, 06:56 AM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 10
Default Can't open Binary Mode Data Connection for next file in que


I have trouble with FlashFxp.

It can't open data connection for the next file in the que if i download larger files (50 MB).
It only works if i manually disconnect and reconnect again. It doesn't occur if i download smaler files.

What is causing this problem?

* FlashFXP v[ 3].[32 ], build [1094 ], [ ]registered, [X ]unregistered, [ ]pirated
* OS [X ] WinXP, [ ] Win2K, [ ] Win98, [ ] WinME, [ ] Other
* Running behind NAT/router [X ] Yes & Model [Sinus154DSLBasic3 ], [ ] No, [ ] Not sure
* Running firewall [ ] Yes, Name [ ], Ver. [ ], or [X ] No
* Running Antivirus [ ] Yes, Name [ ] or [X ] No
* Network [X ] xDSL, [ ] CABLE, [ ] Dail-Up, [ ] Other

additional info if related
* FTP server(s) name [ Serv-U], version [ 6]

Here is the relevant part of the log:

[13:20:15] [R] PORT MYIPWASHERE,195,92
[13:20:15] [R] 200 PORT Command successful.
[13:20:15] [R] REST 10553293
[13:20:15] [R] 350 Restarting at 10553293. Send STORE or RETRIEVE.
[13:20:15] [R] RETR file-pack.r19
[13:20:15] [R] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file-pack.r19 (50000000 Bytes).
[13:26:51] [R] 226-.-----------------------[Download Stats]--------------------------.
[13:26:52] [R] 226-| Filename | Size | Speed |
[13:26:52] [R] 226-|---------------------------------------+-------------+-----------|
[13:26:52] [R] 226-| file-pack.r19 | 38522 KB | 97 KB/s |
[13:26:52] [R] 226-:---------------------------------------+-------------+-----------:
[13:26:52] [R] 226 Transfer complete.
[13:26:52] Resumed: file-pack.r19 37,62 MB in 6 minutes 36 seconds (97,1 KB/s)
[13:26:52] [R] PORT MYIPWASHERE,195,93
[13:26:52] [R] 200 PORT Command successful.
[13:26:52] [R] RETR file-pack.r20
[13:26:52] [R] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file-pack.r20 (50000000 Bytes).
[13:27:13] [R] 425 Cannot open data connection.
[13:27:13] [R] Transfer Failed!

[13:27:13] [R] PORT MYIPWASHERE,195,94
[13:27:13] [R] 200 PORT Command successful.
[13:27:13] [R] RETR file-pack.r20
[13:27:13] [R] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file-pack.r20 (50000000 Bytes).
[13:27:34] [R] 425 Cannot open data connection.---------------------------------------------------->At this point it coudln't open Data Connection!
[13:27:34] [R] Transfer Failed!
[13:27:34] [R] PORT MYIPWASHERE,195,95
[13:27:34] [R] 200 PORT Command successful.
[13:27:34] [R] RETR file-pack.r20
[13:27:34] [R] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file-pack.r20 (50000000 Bytes)._______> At this point it coudln't open Data Connection!
[13:27:48] [R] QUIT
[13:27:48] [R] 221-Session Upload: 0 Bytes at 0 KB/s (Total: 5.19 GB)
[13:27:48] [R] 221-Session Download: 37.62 MB at 97 KB/s (Total: 13.15 GB)
[13:27:48] [R] 221 Goodbye!
[13:27:48] [R] Logged off: !Server-myserversIpwashere
[13:27:48] [R] Transfer Failed!___________________________________________ ____________________> Thats the point i manualy disconnected!
[13:27:48] Transferred 1 file totaling 37,62 MB in 7 minutes 35 seconds (97,1 KB/s)
[13:27:48] User Aborted

[13:27:50] [R] Connecting to !Server-myserversIpwashere -> IP=myserversIpwashere PORT=22
[13:27:50] [R] Connected to !Server-myserversIpwashere
[13:27:50] [R] 220 Serv-U FTP Server v6.0 for WinSock ready...
[13:27:50] [R] USER admin
[13:27:50] [R] 331 User name okay, need password.
[13:27:50] [R] PASS (hidden)

After that the transfer for the next file starts again. And the error occurs again once this file is finished and i have to disconnect and start again for the transfer to work for the third file. and again and again.

What can i do to avoid this error or make FlashFXP automatically disconecct and reconnect after every file in the que.
Elv1s is offline  
Old 05-21-2006, 06:57 AM   #2
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 10
Default Part two of Log

[13:20:13] [R] 230- ±Û ²Û±²ÛÛÛÛÛ±²Û ±ÛÛÛÛÛ± ²ÛÛÛÛÛ± ²Û ²Û±²ÛÛÛÛÛ±
[13:20:13] [R] 230- ÛÛ± ÛÛ±ÛÛ± ÛÛ± ÛÛ²± Û²ÛÛ²±²ÛÛ±ÛÛà ›Â±Ã›Ã›Ã›Â±Ã›Ã›Â±
[13:20:13] [R] 230- ÛÛ± ÛÛ±ÛÛ²± ÛÛ± ÛÛ± ÛÛ± ±ÛÛ±ÛÛÛ²ÛÛÛ±à ›Ã›Â²Â±
[13:20:13] [R] 230- ÛÛ±± ÛÛ±ÛÛÛÛ² ÛÛ± ÛÛ± ÛÛ ÛÛ±ÛÛ²Û±ÛÛ±Ûà ›Ã›Ã›Â²
[13:20:13] [R] 230- ÛÛ²Û²ÛÛ±ÛÛ²± ÛÛ± ÛÛ± ÛÛ± ±ÛÛ±ÛÛ±± ÛÛ±ÛÛ²±
[13:20:13] [R] 230- ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²ÛÛ± ÛÛ²± ÛÛ²± Û±ÛÛ²±²ÛÛ²ÛÛ ± ÛÛ²ÛÛ±
[13:20:13] [R] 230- ÛÛÛ²ÛÛÛ²ÛÛÛÛà ›Ã›Â²Ã›Ã›Ã›Ã›Ã›Ã›Â²Â²Ã›Ã› ÛÛÛ²±²ÛÛÛÛÛ² ²Ã›Ã›Â± ÛÛ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛ±
[13:20:13] [R] 230-.Û²----Û²-------[ Test FTP Server ]----Û²----Û²------.
[13:20:13] [R] 230-| Server Uptime: 1 Days, 14 Hours, 21 Mins |
[13:20:13] [R] 230-| System Uptime: 1 Days, 14 Hours, 21 Mins |
[13:20:13] [R] 230-| Free Space HD1: 10.02 GB HD2: N/A |
[13:20:13] [R] 230-| Uptime Upload: 550.15 KB / 14 KB/s |
[13:20:13] [R] 230-| Uptime Dnload: 2.78 GB / 101 KB/s |
[13:20:13] [R] 230-| Alltime Upload: 550.15 KB / 14 KB/s |
[13:20:13] [R] 230-| Alltime Dnload: 2.78 GB / 101 KB/s |
[13:20:13] [R] 230-| Users Logged In: 1 current / 0 since start |
[13:20:13] [R] 230-| Net Usage Up: 0.0 KB/s Dn: 0.0 KB/s |
[13:20:13] [R] 230-|----------------------------------------------------|
[13:20:13] [R] 230-| User: ADMIN IP: MYIPWASHERE |
[13:20:13] [R] 230-| Alltime Upload: 5.19 GB Download: 13.11 GB |
[13:20:13] [R] 230-| Last Login: 11:11, 21.05.2006 Logins: 372 |
[13:20:13] [R] 230-+================================================= ===+
[13:20:13] [R] 230-| Top 3 Uploaders |
[13:20:13] [R] 230-|---+------------------+--------------+--------------|
[13:20:13] [R] 230-| 1 | ADMIN | 5.19 GB | 5605 KB/s |
[13:20:13] [R] 230-|---+------------------+--------------+--------------|
[13:20:13] [R] 230-| 2 | | | KB/s |
[13:20:13] [R] 230-|---+------------------+--------------+--------------|
[13:20:13] [R] 230-| 3 | | | KB/s |
[13:20:13] [R] 230-+===+==================+==============+=========== ===+
[13:20:13] [R] 230-| Top 3 Downloaders |
[13:20:13] [R] 230-|---+------------------+--------------+--------------|
[13:20:13] [R] 230-| 1 | ADMIN | 13.11 GB | 199 KB/s |
[13:20:13] [R] 230-|---+------------------+--------------+--------------|
[13:20:13] [R] 230-| 2 | | | KB/s |
[13:20:13] [R] 230-|---+------------------+--------------+--------------|
[13:20:13] [R] 230-| 3 | | | KB/s |
[13:20:13] [R] 230-+===+==================+==============+=========== ===+
[13:20:13] [R] 230-:[This Site is powered by JASTAT. View "SITE HELP"!!]:
[13:20:13] [R] 230 User logged in, proceed.
[13:20:13] [R] SYST
[13:20:13] [R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[13:20:13] [R] FEAT
[13:20:13] [R] 211-Extension supported
[13:20:13] [R] AUTH TLS
[13:20:13] [R] SSCN
[13:20:13] [R] PBSZ
[13:20:13] [R] PROT
[13:20:13] [R] CCC
[13:20:13] [R] CLNT
[13:20:13] [R] MDTM
[13:20:13] [R] MDTM YYYYMMDDHHMMSS[+-TZ];filename
[13:20:13] [R] SIZE
[13:20:13] [R] REST STREAM
[13:20:13] [R] XCRC filename;start;end
[13:20:13] [R] MODE Z
[13:20:13] [R] 211 End
[13:20:13] [R] CLNT FlashFXP
[13:20:13] [R] 200 Noted.
[13:20:13] [R] 250-Clients:[1]-Up:[0.0 KB/s]-Dn:[0.0 KB/s]-Space:[10.02 GB]
[13:20:14] [R] 250 Directory changed to /c:/PATH/To/Folder/SOmeFOLDERIDOWNLOADFROMM
[13:20:14] [R] PWD
[13:20:14] [R] 257 "/c:/PATH/To/Folder/SOmeFOLDERIDOWNLOADFROMM" is current directory.
[13:20:14] [R] TYPE I
[13:20:14] [R] 200 Type set to I.
[13:20:14] [R] MODE Z
[13:20:14] [R] 200 MODE Z ok.
[13:20:14] [R] Requesting IP Lookup from http://iplookup.flashfxp.com
[13:20:15] [R] Returned: MYIPWASHERE
[13:20:15] [R] PORT MYIPWASHERE,195,92
[13:20:15] [R] 200 PORT Command successful.
[13:20:15] [R] REST 10553293
[13:20:15] [R] 350 Restarting at 10553293. Send STORE or RETRIEVE.
[13:20:15] [R] RETR file-pack.r19
[13:20:15] [R] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file-pack.r19 (50000000 Bytes).
[13:26:51] [R] 226-.-----------------------[Download Stats]--------------------------.
[13:26:52] [R] 226-| Filename | Size | Speed |
[13:26:52] [R] 226-|---------------------------------------+-------------+-----------|
[13:26:52] [R] 226-| file-pack.r19 | 38522 KB | 97 KB/s |
[13:26:52] [R] 226-:---------------------------------------+-------------+-----------:
[13:26:52] [R] 226 Transfer complete.
[13:26:52] Resumed: file-pack.r19 37,62 MB in 6 minutes 36 seconds (97,1 KB/s)
[13:26:52] [R] PORT MYIPWASHERE,195,93
[13:26:52] [R] 200 PORT Command successful.
[13:26:52] [R] RETR file-pack.r20
[13:26:52] [R] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file-pack.r20 (50000000 Bytes).
[13:27:13] [R] 425 Cannot open data connection.
[13:27:13] [R] Transfer Failed!
[13:27:13] [R] PORT MYIPWASHERE,195,94
[13:27:13] [R] 200 PORT Command successful.
[13:27:13] [R] RETR file-pack.r20
[13:27:13] [R] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file-pack.r20 (50000000 Bytes).
[13:27:34] [R] 425 Cannot open data connection.---------------------------------------------------->At this point it coudln't open Data Connection!
[13:27:34] [R] Transfer Failed!
[13:27:34] [R] PORT MYIPWASHERE,195,95
[13:27:34] [R] 200 PORT Command successful.
[13:27:34] [R] RETR file-pack.r20
[13:27:34] [R] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file-pack.r20 (50000000 Bytes)._______> At this point it coudln't open Data Connection!
[13:27:48] [R] QUIT
[13:27:48] [R] 221-Session Upload: 0 Bytes at 0 KB/s (Total: 5.19 GB)
[13:27:48] [R] 221-Session Download: 37.62 MB at 97 KB/s (Total: 13.15 GB)
[13:27:48] [R] 221 Goodbye!
[13:27:48] [R] Logged off: !Server-myserversIpwashere
[13:27:48] [R] Transfer Failed!___________________________________________ ____________________> Thats the point i manualy disconnected!
[13:27:48] Transferred 1 file totaling 37,62 MB in 7 minutes 35 seconds (97,1 KB/s)
[13:27:48] User Aborted
[13:27:50] [R] Connecting to !Server-myserversIpwashere -> IP=myserversIpwashere PORT=22

[13:27:50] [R] Connected to !Server-myserversIpwashere
[13:27:50] [R] 220 Serv-U FTP Server v6.0 for WinSock ready...
[13:27:50] [R] USER admin
[13:27:50] [R] 331 User name okay, need password.
[13:27:50] [R] PASS (hidden)
[13:27:50] [R] 230-___________________________________________
[13:27:50] [R] 230-- = ] *****Five Star 100 MB Affil*****[ = -
[13:27:50] [R] 230-¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯
[13:27:50] [R] 230-____________
[13:27:50] [R] 230-User iNFO :
[13:27:50] [R] 230-¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
[13:27:50] [R] 230-ADMIN
[13:27:50] [R] 230-You are connecting from : myIpwashere
[13:27:50] [R] 230-Date/Time Logged In : Sunday 21 May, 2006 @ 13:25:24
[13:27:50] [R] 230-___________________________________________
[13:27:50] [R] 230-Server Statistics :
[13:27:50] [R] 230-¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯
[13:27:50] [R] 230-This Private server has been up for:
[13:27:50] [R] 230-1 days, 14 hours, 28 mins, and 49 secs.
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230-There has been 82 users logged in within the last 24 hours.
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230-Total KB's Uploaded..........: 550
[13:27:50] [R] 230-Total KB's Downloaded........: 3162551
[13:27:50] [R] 230-Total Files Uploaded.........: 31
[13:27:50] [R] 230-Total Files Downloaded.......: 128
[13:27:50] [R] 230-Users total login............: 93
[13:27:50] [R] 230-Current Users................: 1
[13:27:50] [R] 230-Current Bandwidth............: 0.000 KB/s
[13:27:50] [R] 230-Average Bandwidth............: 22.833 KB/s
[13:27:50] [R] 230-Free Disk Space..............: 9263.06 MB
[13:27:50] [R] 230-___________________________________________
[13:27:50] [R] 230-- = ] ******Five Star 100 MB Affil****** [ = -
[13:27:50] [R] 230-¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230-*****Five Star 100 MB Affil*****
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
Elv1s is offline  
Old 05-21-2006, 06:58 AM   #3
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 10
Default Part 3 of Log

[13:27:50] [R] 230-####################Time/date####################
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230-********(13:25:24)#################- current time on your PC
[13:27:50] [R] 230-********(Sunday 21 May, 2006) - current date on your PC
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230-####################Server statistics####################
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(1)###########- number of days the server has been running
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(14)##########- number of hours the server has been running
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(28)###########- number of minutes the server has been up
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(49)###########- number of seconds the server has been up
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(550)###########- no. Kbytes uploaded to the server since server start
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(3162551)#########- no. Kb downloaded from the server since server start
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(31)########- no. of files uploaded to the server since server start
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(128)######- no. of files downloaded from the server since server start
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(93)##########- no. of logged in users since server start
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(22.833)############- average server throughput since server start
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0.000)###########- current server bandwidth use
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230-####################Server settings####################
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(Unlimited)############- maximum no. of users, as set in 'Settings - Domain'
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(Unlimited)########- maximum no. of anonymous users, as set in 'Settings - Domain'
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230-####################User info####################
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(ADMIN)################- user's login name
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(myIpwashere)##################- user's IP number or name if available
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(/c#################- user's current directory
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(C)################- user's current disk drive
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(9263.06)###############- the amount of free space on the user's current disk in Kb
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)#################- the number of files uploaded by the current user
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)###############- the number of files downloaded
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)################- the total number of files transferred
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)#################- the number of Kbytes uploaded by the user
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)###############- the number of Kbytes downloaded by the user
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)################- total number of Kbytes transferred
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)###############- total connect time in minutes
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)###############- connect time in seconds - to be used with '0'
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(1)#############- 'upload' ratio part for UL/DL ratios
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(1)###########- 'download' ratio part for UL/DL ratios
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)#########- current download credit for UL/DL ratios (Kb or 'files')
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)###########- displays how much disk quota is used in Kb
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(Unlimited)###########- displays how much disk quota is left in Kb
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(Unlimited)############- maximum amount of disk space that can be used in Kb
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230-####################Number of users####################
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(1)################- current number of Serv-U users connected
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(95)################- number of users since the server was started
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(82)################- number of users in the last 24 hours
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)############- all currently logged in anonymous users
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)#########- all anonymous users logged into this IP home
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(1)#########- all non-anonymous users currently logged in
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(1)######- all non-anonymous users logged into this IP home
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(1)###########- all current users with the current user name logged into this IP home
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ±Û ²Û±²ÛÛÛÛÛ±²Û ±ÛÛÛÛÛ± ²ÛÛÛÛÛ± ²Û ²Û±²ÛÛÛÛÛ±
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ÛÛ± ÛÛ±ÛÛ± ÛÛ± ÛÛ²± Û²ÛÛ²±²ÛÛ±ÛÛà ›Â±Ã›Ã›Ã›Â±Ã›Ã›Â±
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ÛÛ± ÛÛ±ÛÛ²± ÛÛ± ÛÛ± ÛÛ± ±ÛÛ±ÛÛÛ²ÛÛÛ±à ›Ã›Â²Â±
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ÛÛ±± ÛÛ±ÛÛÛÛ² ÛÛ± ÛÛ± ÛÛ ÛÛ±ÛÛ²Û±ÛÛ±Ûà ›Ã›Ã›Â²
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ÛÛ²Û²ÛÛ±ÛÛ²± ÛÛ± ÛÛ± ÛÛ± ±ÛÛ±ÛÛ±± ÛÛ±ÛÛ²±
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²ÛÛ± ÛÛ²± ÛÛ²± Û±ÛÛ²±²ÛÛ²ÛÛ ± ÛÛ²ÛÛ±
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ÛÛÛ²ÛÛÛ²ÛÛÛÛà ›Ã›Â²Ã›Ã›Ã›Ã›Ã›Ã›Â²Â²Ã›Ã› ÛÛÛ²±²ÛÛÛÛÛ² ²Ã›Ã›Â± ÛÛ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛ±
[13:27:50] [R] 230-.Û²----Û²-------[ Test FTP Server ]----Û²----Û²------.
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Server Uptime: 1 Days, 14 Hours, 28 Mins |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| System Uptime: 1 Days, 14 Hours, 29 Mins |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Free Space HD1: 9.05 GB HD2: N/A |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Uptime Upload: 550.15 KB / 14 KB/s |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Uptime Dnload: 2.82 GB / 101 KB/s |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Alltime Upload: 550.15 KB / 14 KB/s |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Alltime Dnload: 2.82 GB / 101 KB/s |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Users Logged In: 1 current / 0 since start |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Net Usage Up: 0.0 KB/s Dn: 0.0 KB/s |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-|----------------------------------------------------|
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| User: ADMIN IP: MYIPWASHERE |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Alltime Upload: 5.19 GB Download: 13.15 GB |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Last Login: 11:17, 21.05.2006 Logins: 373 |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-+================================================= ===+
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Top 3 Uploaders |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-|---+------------------+--------------+--------------|
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| 1 | ADMIN | 5.19 GB | 5605 KB/s |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-|---+------------------+--------------+--------------|
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| 2 | | | KB/s |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-|---+------------------+--------------+--------------|
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| 3 | | | KB/s |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-+===+==================+==============+=========== ===+
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Top 3 Downloaders |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-|---+------------------+--------------+--------------|
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| 1 | ADMIN | 13.15 GB | 198 KB/s |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-|---+------------------+--------------+--------------|
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| 2 | | | KB/s |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-|---+------------------+--------------+--------------|
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| 3 | | | KB/s |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-+===+==================+==============+=========== ===+
[13:27:50] [R] 230-:[This Site is powered by JASTAT. View "SITE HELP"!!]:
[13:27:50] [R] 230 User logged in, proceed.
[13:27:50] [R] SYST
[13:27:50] [R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[13:27:50] [R] FEAT
[13:27:50] [R] 211-Extension supported
[13:27:51] [R] AUTH TLS
[13:27:51] [R] SSCN
[13:27:51] [R] PBSZ
[13:27:51] [R] PROT
[13:27:51] [R] CCC
[13:27:51] [R] CLNT
[13:27:51] [R] MDTM
[13:27:51] [R] MDTM YYYYMMDDHHMMSS[+-TZ];filename
[13:27:51] [R] SIZE
[13:27:51] [R] REST STREAM
[13:27:51] [R] XCRC filename;start;end
[13:27:51] [R] MODE Z
[13:27:51] [R] 211 End
[13:27:51] [R] CLNT FlashFXP
[13:27:51] [R] 200 Noted.
[13:27:51] [R] 250-Clients:[1]-Up:[0.0 KB/s]-Dn:[0.0 KB/s]-Space:[9.05 GB]
[13:27:51] [R] 250 Directory changed to /c:/PATH/To/Folder/SOmeFOLDERIDOWNLOADFROMM
[13:27:51] [R] PWD
[13:27:51] [R] 257 "/c:/PATH/To/Folder/SOmeFOLDERIDOWNLOADFROMM" is current directory.
[13:27:51] [R] TYPE I
[13:27:51] [R] 200 Type set to I.
[13:27:51] [R] MODE Z
[13:27:51] [R] 200 MODE Z ok.
[13:27:51] [R] Requesting IP Lookup from http://iplookup.flashfxp.com
[13:27:52] [R] Returned: MYIPWASHERE
[13:27:52] [R] PORT MYIPWASHERE,195,96
[13:27:52] [R] 200 PORT Command successful.
[13:27:52] [R] RETR file-pack.r20
[13:27:52] [R] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file-pack.r20 (50000000 Bytes).
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Old 05-21-2006, 02:34 PM   #4
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That's a pretty old version. Why don't you try the latest RC1 and under preferences, select binary transfer as it defaults to auto. Also there is the option to disconnect after transfer there
* FlashFXP v4.1.8 build 1708 BETA. registered
* Windows 7 Ultimate x86
* ESET Smart Security 5.0.95
* Cable Network
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Old 05-21-2006, 03:57 PM   #5
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build 1094 is no longer supported.
FYI, build 1094 have been out for more than 30 days, which means that you have been using flashfxp for more than 30 days and still not registred...so you are violating flashfxp's license agreement.
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Old 05-21-2006, 05:44 PM   #6
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I tryied a newer version now!

But still the same issue.

Disconnect only works once the que is complete!

Everything works fine with SmartFTP 2.0!

But FXP has problems.
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Old 05-21-2006, 06:32 PM   #7
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buy flashfxp and enable pasv mode
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Old 05-22-2006, 02:45 AM   #8
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I can't go in passive mode because of firewall issues.

Active mode however has worked fine !

But why can SmartFTP do it in aktive mode?
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Old 05-22-2006, 11:25 AM   #9
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without seeing ftp log from smartftp it's impossible to say.
is your router properly configured to allow incoming data connection ports
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Old 05-22-2006, 04:56 PM   #10
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Yes it is!

Otherwise i wouldn't be able to download at all.

It has only problems with larger files.
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Old 05-22-2006, 09:30 PM   #11
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A common problem with transfers from behind a router is misconfigured settings.
Make sure the port range configured in flashfxp is the SAME as the port range configured in your router, and that the port range is large enough (too small also causes problems).
Then make sure that flashfxp is sending the correct IP and PORT numbers in the PORT command.

From looking at your log, all i can think of is either the PORT command is sending the wrong ip (internal ip) or its telling the remote server to use a port that is not configured to be allowed through your router. Both of which cause this problem with the data connection. Simply put flashfxp is either listening on a port that is not being forwarded therefor the signal from the remote server never gets to your client, or its issuing the wrong ip in the PORT command which leads the remote server to send the info/data to the wrong ip altogether.

If this does not work, please provide more information: such as full logs for both clients, router configuration, and the client configuration.

Also you mention issues only with larger files, this also leads to thoughts about your router dropping or timing out the ftp session connection. If so, try turning on noops during transfer.
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Old 05-24-2006, 05:23 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by DayCuts
A common problem with transfers from behind a router is misconfigured settings.
Make sure the port range configured in flashfxp is the SAME as the port range configured in your router, and that the port range is large enough (too small also causes problems).
Then make sure that flashfxp is sending the correct IP and PORT numbers in the PORT command.

From looking at your log, all i can think of is either the PORT command is sending the wrong ip (internal ip) or its telling the remote server to use a port that is not configured to be allowed through your router. Both of which cause this problem with the data connection. Simply put flashfxp is either listening on a port that is not being forwarded therefor the signal from the remote server never gets to your client, or its issuing the wrong ip in the PORT command which leads the remote server to send the info/data to the wrong ip altogether.

If this does not work, please provide more information: such as full logs for both clients, router configuration, and the client configuration.

Also you mention issues only with larger files, this also leads to thoughts about your router dropping or timing out the ftp session connection. If so, try turning on noops during transfer.
Port Range is forwarded (100 Ports available). The same port range is set in FXP.
And fxp uses the exact port range that is forwarded. Otherwise no connection's are made at all.

NOOps are beeing sent constantly. I even decresed the time intervalls to use noops.

I can provide complete logs but only the part i posted is relevant. Everything else looks all right.

Like i wrote before. At the same time SmartFTP is running fine. on the same settings and on the same large files. So router Setting is fine. Its a problem specific to FlashFXP.
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Old 05-24-2006, 08:38 AM   #13
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again, without smartftp's log to see what, if anything, it's doing different, it's hard to say why it works and ffxp doesn't.
why exactly you can't enable pasv mode? what kind of firewall issues?
btw, did you buy flashfxp yet?
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Old 05-25-2006, 07:35 AM   #14
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Here is the Smartfp log:

[13:21:06] SmartFTP v2.0.996.1
[13:21:07] Resolving host name ""
[13:21:07] Connecting to Port: 21
[13:21:07] Connected to
[13:21:07] 220 Serv-U FTP Server v6.0 for WinSock ready...
[13:21:07] AUTH TLS
[13:21:07] 234 AUTH command OK. Initializing SSL connection.
[13:21:07] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[13:21:07] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[13:21:07] TLS encrypted session established.
[13:21:07] PBSZ 0
[13:21:08] 200 PBSZ command OK. Protection buffer size set to 0.
[13:21:08] USER admin
[13:21:08] 331 User name okay, need password.
[13:21:08] PASS (hidden)

ServerWelcome Message was here:

[13:21:09] 230 User logged in, proceed.
[13:21:09] SYST
[13:21:09] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[13:21:09] FEAT
[13:21:10] 211-Extension supported
[13:21:10] AUTH TLS
[13:21:10] SSCN
[13:21:10] PBSZ
[13:21:10] PROT
[13:21:10] CCC
[13:21:10] CLNT
[13:21:10] MDTM
[13:21:10] MDTM YYYYMMDDHHMMSS[+-TZ];filename
[13:21:10] SIZE
[13:21:10] REST STREAM
[13:21:10] XCRC filename;start;end
[13:21:10] MODE Z
[13:21:10] 211 End
[13:21:10] Detected Server Software: Serv-U 5.x/6.x
[13:21:10] CLNT SmartFTP 2.0.996
[13:21:10] 200 Noted.
[13:21:10] PWD
[13:21:10] 257 "/c:" is current directory.
[13:21:10] TYPE A
[13:21:12] 200 Type set to A.
[13:21:12] MODE Z
[13:21:13] 200 MODE Z ok.
[13:21:13] PROT P
[13:21:13] 200 PROT command OK. Using private data connection.
[13:21:13] Connecting to IP Repeater "http://repeater.smartftp.com:443/" ...
[13:21:13] IP Repeater returned: ""
[13:21:13] PORT,195,133
[13:21:13] 200 PORT Command successful.
[13:21:13] LIST -aLT
[13:21:13] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
[13:21:13] 426 Data connection closed, transfer aborted.
[13:22:04] NOOP
[13:22:05] 200 Command okay.
[13:22:09] PORT,195,134
[13:22:09] 200 PORT Command successful.
[13:22:09] LIST -aLT
[13:22:09] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
[13:22:09] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[13:22:10] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[13:22:10] TLS encrypted session established.
[13:22:10] 494 bytes transferred. (1,11 KB/s) (431 ms)
[13:22:10] 226 Transfer complete.
[13:22:15] CWD /c:/directory
[13:22:15] 250-Clients:[1]-Up:[0.0 KB/s]-Dn:[0.0 KB/s]-Space:[12.83 GB]
[13:22:15] 250 Directory changed to /c:/directory
[13:22:15] PWD
[13:22:15] 257 "/c:/directory" is current directory.
[13:22:15] PORT,195,135
[13:22:16] 200 PORT Command successful.
[13:22:16] LIST -aLT
[13:22:16] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
[13:22:16] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[13:22:16] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[13:22:16] TLS encrypted session established.
[13:22:16] 230 bytes transferred. (848 bytes/s) (271 ms)
[13:22:16] 226 Transfer complete.
[13:22:22] CWD /c:/directory
[13:22:22] 250-Clients:[1]-Up:[0.0 KB/s]-Dn:[0.0 KB/s]-Space:[12.83 GB]
[13:22:22] 250 Directory changed to /c:/somedirectory
[13:22:22] PWD
[13:22:22] 257 "/c:/ some directory " is current directory.
[13:22:22] PORT,195,136
[13:22:22] 200 PORT Command successful.
[13:22:22] LIST -aLT
[13:22:22] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
[13:22:23] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[13:22:23] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[13:22:23] TLS encrypted session established.
[13:22:23] 378 bytes transferred. (1,41 KB/s) (261 ms)
[13:22:23] 226 Transfer complete.
[13:22:26] CWD /c:/ some directory
[13:22:26] 250-Clients:[1]-Up:[0.0 KB/s]-Dn:[0.0 KB/s]-Space:[12.83 GB]
[13:22:26] 250 Directory changed to /c:/ some directory [13:22:26] PWD
[13:22:26] 257 "/c:/ some directory " is current directory.
[13:22:26] PORT,195,137
[13:22:26] 200 PORT Command successful.
[13:22:26] LIST -aLT
[13:22:27] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
[13:22:27] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[13:22:28] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[13:22:28] TLS encrypted session established.
[13:22:28] 1257 bytes transferred. (1,85 KB/s) (661 ms)
[13:22:28] 226 Transfer complete.
[13:23:17] CWD /c:/ somedirectory
[13:23:18] 250-Clients:[1]-Up:[0.0 KB/s]-Dn:[0.0 KB/s]-Space:[12.83 GB]
[13:23:18] 250 Directory changed to /c:/Mydirectory
[13:23:18] PWD
[13:23:18] 257 "/c:/Mydirectory" is current directory.
[13:23:18] PORT,195,138
[13:23:18] 200 PORT Command successful.
[13:23:18] LIST -aLT
[13:23:18] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
[13:23:18] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[13:23:19] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[13:23:19] TLS encrypted session established.
[13:23:19] 132 bytes transferred. (505 bytes/s) (261 ms)
[13:23:19] 226 Transfer complete.
[13:23:22] CWD Mydirectory
[13:23:22] 250-Clients:[1]-Up:[0.0 KB/s]-Dn:[0.0 KB/s]-Space:[12.83 GB]
[13:23:22] 250 Directory changed to Mydirectory
[13:23:22] PWD
[13:23:22] 257 Mydirectory" is current directory.
[13:23:22] PORT,195,139
[13:23:23] 200 PORT Command successful.
[13:23:23] LIST -aLT
[13:23:23] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
[13:23:23] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[13:23:23] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[13:23:23] TLS encrypted session established.
[13:23:23] 473 bytes transferred. (983 bytes/s) (481 ms)
[13:23:23] 226 Transfer complete.
[13:24:14] NOOP
[13:24:14] 200 Command okay.
[13:25:05] NOOP
[13:25:05] 200 Command okay.
[13:25:55] NOOP
[13:25:55] 200 Command okay.
[13:26:46] NOOP
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Old 05-25-2006, 07:45 AM   #15
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Posts: 10

Further Research has lead me to the conclusion that something like an Upnp Functionality needs to be supported by the Client Software.

And I think that FlashFXp doesn't support that.

Other clients like SmartFTP or FTPRush do.

Hope the log can help!
Elv1s is offline  

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