Language Translations Help us translate FlashFXP into your native language. |
09-26-2005, 02:25 PM
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Right now mult-language support has limited exposure. You'll see much more activity once we release an public beta to everyone (not just registered users) with multi-language support.
09-27-2005, 11:12 AM
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Friedbert: Good to see you back. I thought long about "Site" or "Server". I came to the conclusion that using "site" is the better idea. First, because every german knows what "site" means these days (since invention of websites), second because that would then be transparent to the english version, making future support a bit easier for Inicom folks, third because a "server" can host multiple "sites". Forth, even german wikipedia hosts the term "site" at - and fifth, I have seen other german programs also using the term "site". Like I said, I thought long about it, so it was no easy task but I thought it's the better idea. What do you think, what do the others think? No problem to change it.. germans speak out!
I am looking forward to your other reports, Friedbert. I hardly find any more bugs in my translation but this is probably because I know all the FlashFXP shortcuts and locations of options without opening my eyes. ;( Before the final, I will walk through everything again and I'm sure, I'll find atleast 10 occasions where there could be a better translation but right now, when beta-testing it actively, I can't see anything.
See you.
PS: German Translation Beta 1.4 has been downloaded 334 times up to this date.
09-28-2005, 12:55 PM
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How can I install the translation???
09-30-2005, 10:40 AM
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NOTICE: German translation is outdated, please see our website for an update.
Hi guys,
I downloaded the latest German translation and change the menues to German.
So far so good. But when I start FlashFXP 3.3.1 Buid 1089 beta, I always see in the log window the error NOTICE: German translation is outdated, please see our website for an update.
And b.t.w. everybody is talking about FlashFXP build: 1094, 1095, 1097, 1098, 1099
Where can I get these builds?
Best regards,
09-30-2005, 06:45 PM
Super Duper
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Originally Posted by Meise
And b.t.w. everybody is talking about FlashFXP build: 1094, 1095, 1097, 1098, 1099
Where can I get these builds?
you can't. they are available only for offical beta testers
10-12-2005, 12:39 PM
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So far I have only found 3 bugs. I will be compiling a new version these days, but it's really nothing serious.
10-19-2005, 01:44 PM
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Ok, before I come up with an update, I'd really like to see someone post me a list of things that you disagree with, e.g. translation could be better. My update is so tiny, it doesn't even really make sense right now.
German Translation: Bevor ich das nächste Update bereitstelle, würde ich mich freuen, wenn jemand sich ein bisschen Zeit nimmt und einfach mal aufschreibt, was besser sein könnte. Egal, wie winzig es ist, vielleicht hast Du absolut recht und ich habe etwas übersehen. Geht besonders die Sachen durch, die Ihr nicht auswendig kennt, d.h. die ihr verstehen müsst. Das wär super, danke.
See ya soon.
10-19-2005, 10:10 PM
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There probably wont be much of a following until the multi-language version of FlashFXP is publically released. Currently the latest build is only available to official beta testers and a slightly older build to registered users only.
We'll probably have to update the translation language file one more time before the first public release since we have a few more things to add. Hopefully we can get the public release out somewhere near the end of the month.
10-28-2005, 02:36 AM
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Thnx for the translation!
10-29-2005, 08:11 PM
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hi im new im search the german language sib.
i can't downloaded can you help me
11-02-2005, 01:15 PM
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11-04-2005, 10:16 AM
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hi chotaire.
first of all thanks for translating flashfxp! i had done it myself if my schedule would allow me to do so, but I'm pretty happy with your work
just three remarks concerning your work:
1st - Sitzung \ Minimiere zu System Tray
I would say "In den Tray minimieren" (or something similiar, I'm emphasizing the "in" instead of the "zu", because FlashFXP doesn't become a Systray just by minimizing it). Btw: Microsoft itself calls the System Tray "Infobereich" in the german version of windows. maybe you should use this translation instead.
2nd - <xx>..
Although FlashFXP english uses only two dots to show that a more detailed screen will follow, at least for german versions of windows, office, whatsoever "..." (three dots) is the standard. i think following standards is very important for a good overall impression. maybe you should consider a change here.
3rd - Werkzeuge \ Vergleiche Verzeichnis Inhalt (\ ...)
write Verzeichnisinhalt (one word)
that's all for the moment. i'm a little bit tired at the moment but i'm happy that i found the time to download your translation. i will report more if i find something (actually i'm just too sleepy for it), but if you need help don't hesitate to ask
best regards,
11-11-2005, 04:54 AM
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the there a german langfile for 3.3.4 build 1108?
11-15-2005, 01:12 PM
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florian: thanks for your comments. I will go through all the details and correct everything that I agree with. I will let you know when there is an updated file.
11-15-2005, 01:18 PM
FlashFXP Scripter
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Posts: 82
angst: the update for 1108 is coming probably today or tomorrow.... sorry for a little delay, I was busy with another project.
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