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Old 01-24-2012, 11:48 AM   #1
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Default Automatic update always fails

I'm using portable version, always latest (now I always updated in manual way - downloaded installer and run it manually. (BTW what happened to this option that user cannot select anymore where to download installer? Now it automatically downloads to default TEMP folder only.)

Anyway couple of last builds I was trying to use automatic updater to get release notes saved as well. Installer downloads to TEMP folder. Then when pressing "Run Update" FlashFXP closes, seems like installer tab opens for couple of seconds and then FlashFXP opens automatically again but it's same old version. Strange uh? Moreover it actually installs new files but into wrong place.

My folders are set such way:
"E:\Portable\Programs 2\"

My correct FlashFXP is in "E:\Portable\Programs 2\FlashFXP\"
I did some search and discovered that after automatic update new program files are put in to "E:\Portable\Programs\" and even without FlashFXP subfolder.

Does space in folder name causes this? But even then why without FlsahFXP subfolder?

So now I'm still updating this way: checking update in FlashFXP, downloading installer into temp folder, closing FlashFXP, then going to this temp folder and copying installer to my requested folder where I keep my installers, then running installer, installing to correct place "E:\Portable\Programs 2\FlashFXP\" and then opening it manually again.

OS is WinXP SP3
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Old 01-24-2012, 01:01 PM   #2
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If you run the portable installer manually you need to select the full path to where you want FlashFXP installed, including the FlashFXP folder.

An automatic update will put FlashFXP in the correct folder.

In build 1702 the installer was updated to provide a secondary check to determine if FlashFXP was running.

If the installer is unable to replace any file because it is in-use, it will automatically (with no way to override it) creates an auto start entry to resume the installation on next system restart.

I suspect that at some point the installer was unable to replace the FlashFXP.exe, if this occurs then its impossible to update FlashFXP without a system restart.

To simplify the update process we eliminated the step prompting the user to select a download location. This can be changed by checking the option "Prompt to select download location" in the Preferences > Live Update.
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Old 01-24-2012, 01:22 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by bigstar View Post
If you run the portable installer manually you need to select the full path to where you want FlashFXP installed, including the FlashFXP folder.
This is what I have been doing always. Everything works ok.

An automatic update will put FlashFXP in the correct folder.
It should

In build 1702 the installer was updated to provide a secondary check to determine if FlashFXP was running.

If the installer is unable to replace any file because it is in-use, it will automatically (with no way to override it) creates an auto start entry to resume the installation on next system restart.

I suspect that at some point the installer was unable to replace the FlashFXP.exe, if this occurs then its impossible to update FlashFXP without a system restart.
Completely agreed that if file is in use it cannot be replaced. But installer closes FlashFXP, it goes away from running processes, so it is actually closed. But still cannot replace files. OK with this, I can live with it. But why in my case it puts files into completely wrong folder? I would understand if it were in default Windows temp folder, in FlashFXP cache or temp folder or even system drive root or root of drive where FlashFXP is installed. For now it seems that installer is confused by names "Programs" and "Programs 2"

To simplify the update process we eliminated the step prompting the user to select a download location. This can be changed by checking the option "Prompt to select download location" in the Preferences > Live Update.
Thanks for tip
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Old 01-24-2012, 01:49 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by bassiliin View Post
But why in my case it puts files into completely wrong folder? I would understand if it were in default Windows temp folder, in FlashFXP cache or temp folder or even system drive root or root of drive where FlashFXP is installed. For now it seems that installer is confused by names "Programs" and "Programs 2"
Further investigating has revealed a flaw in the installer stub and I'm 99% sure that this flaw is causing the issue you experienced.

After the installation info is read from the _stub.txt file the parameters are quoted so that windows handles folder names with spaces correctly. later these parameters are passed to the installer to automate the process.

The flaw is that the parameters are quoted first.

A few lines down a function is called to extract the path from the path+name, as a result the trailing quote is stripped from the result.

I am working on a fix that will be included in the next release.

Keep in mind however you wont notice the fix until the next upgrade after the fixed release.
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Old 01-24-2012, 02:36 PM   #5
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this is
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Old 02-06-2012, 11:17 AM   #6
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Now (from 1706) when trying to install automatic update says no free space available. Though there are tens of gigs available in every hard disk. so it seems it will try to install itself which isn't hard disk at all (empty CD-, floppy and Virtual CD drive are only available versions left in my PC).
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Old 02-06-2012, 03:46 PM   #7
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Thank you, This will be fixed in the next update. It looks like my previous changes to the installer stub created a bug. I will do more thorough testing before releasing the next update.
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Old 02-19-2012, 11:14 AM   #8
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Tried to update from v4.1.9.1717 to 1718 and no more disk space error. But seems we are back in beginning like it was described in first post that automatic install writes files into wrong place. Same scenario:

Originally Posted by bassiliin View Post
Moreover it actually installs new files but into wrong place.

My folders are set such way:
"E:\Portable\Programs 2\"

My correct FlashFXP is in "E:\Portable\Programs 2\FlashFXP\"
I did some search and discovered that after automatic update new program files are put in to "E:\Portable\Programs\" and even without FlashFXP subfolder.

Does space in folder name causes this? But even then why without FlahsFXP subfolder?
Only way is portable way
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Old 02-19-2012, 02:13 PM   #9
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If you manually run the downloaded update does it work? I am currently investigating a possible issue with our CDN corrupting the downloads. Up until now this is what I believed was causing the error, but perhaps I was wrong.

The solution I added to resolve the original problem is still in effect and if in fact this is the same problem, However I can't explain how it was working and now suddenly broken again.

The next release of FlashFXP will start verifying the integrity of the downloaded installer, something we should of done from the start, this will help us and customers identify corrupted downloads from the CDN.
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Old 03-15-2012, 12:57 PM   #10
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Now there is only little side effect. Automatic update installs always all default languages too even if I actually have only one installed earlier. But it's not a big deal to delete these manually after update.

Little request too. I'd like to have an option to select if installer itself will be deleted after update or not. I'm using option which asks download location so I select special folder where I'm holding program installers (for possible troubleshooting and safety and security reasons)
Only way is portable way
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Old 03-15-2012, 07:07 PM   #11
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When the option "prompt to select download location" is checked the setup is not deleted after update.
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Old 03-16-2012, 10:51 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by bigstar View Post
When the option "prompt to select download location" is checked the setup is not deleted after update.
Just brilliant
Only way is portable way
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