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Old 05-25-2011, 04:47 AM   #1
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Default Issues with Queue / Transfer


I am using FlashFXP v4.0 build 1548. I am struggling with queue and transfer features. I have multiple sites;
On the root of my C drive, I have several text files which all start with ABC and they have txt extensions.

I want to upload them to a remote location via scheduled task.
I go to “Tools” – “Selective Transfer” and choose “Edit” I see 2 windows. File List on the left side and folder list on the right side. I create a new rule called “ABC”. File list is set to “Transfer” and Folder list is set to “Skip”. Under File list, I create a new pattern called ABC*.txt and I click “Save”.

In FlashFXP main page, I see my local disk on the left and on the right window I connect to the remote site. I browse to my local C drive on the left side. Highlight the text files that start with ABC, right click and choose “Queue”. They go to the queue window on the left bottom, I highlight them and click “Edit”.

I see a window with 2 sections (source on the left and target on the right). I select “ABC” from Selective Transfer Rules.

Source Fields
Name: empty field
Path: C:\
Local: My Computer

Target Fields
Name: empty field
Path: empty field
Site: ABC
From the queue window, I right click the items and choose “Transfer”. I get the output

Transfer queue completed
Transferred 0 Files (0 bytes) in 0.01 seconds (0.0 KB/s)

I am able to transfer them manually.
I am doing something wrong?

Thank you
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Old 05-25-2011, 07:46 AM   #2
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This doesn't appear to be working as intended.

The target name/folder should not be empty and I'm really not sure why this would be.

There are some issues with the selective transfer rules that were just recently brought to my attention yesterday, in some cases they do not work as intended.

If you're queuing the files directly and then using this queue to transfer the files via a schedule the selective transfer rules would not be necessary.
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Old 05-25-2011, 07:55 AM   #3
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My source filenames change everday but they all start with ABC and they both have txt extensions.

I want them to be copied to the remote site with the same names as how they are.
If today the files are ABC2505111300 and ABC2505111453, I want them to be transfered to the remote location with those names(ABC2505111300 and ABC2505111453)

By knowing the steps I follow(from my initial post above), what is your suggestion? How can I achieve it?

From a working environment, can you please give me an example how it supposed to work or at least can you please try to replicate what I did and see if it will work with you.

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Old 05-25-2011, 10:40 AM   #4
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To do what you're trying to do you need to queue the parent folder, the folder that contains the ABC.. files and then assign the selective transfer rule to only transfer files matching the pattern ABC*.txt

The part that doesn't work at the moment is the part that instructs FlashFXP to skip the sub-folders, the only way to get this to work in the current release is to enter the exact names of the folders to skip.
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Old 05-25-2011, 10:51 AM   #5
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Ok, I have moved the ABC*.txt filed to a folder called TEST.
I have assigned the selective transfer rule to only transfer the files matching the pattern ABC*.txt

Under "Selective Transfer", if I add "TEST" folder to be skipped. because I have queued this folder, it skips to transfer this folder. I am holding a license of FLASHFXP, can I call Technical Support and resolve this on the phone, I believe I am very close.
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Old 05-25-2011, 11:36 AM   #6
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If you add the "TEST" folder to be skipped it will be skipped. This is the bug that I discovered and I am currently working on a fix for it.

You need to remove "TEST" from the folder list, if the folder list is blank make sure the action is set to transfer, otherwise the pattern becomes * and the folder "TEST" will still be skipped.

If you have the following folder structure

You'll need to add XYZ and 123 to the folder list and set the action to skip, the idea isn't to skip "TEST" but the sub-folders within it.
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Old 05-25-2011, 11:44 AM   #7
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Another way to do this would be to eliminate the selective transfer rule and use the per-site skip list.

1. Site Manager > Transfer Tab > Custom Skip List
2. Click Add, Enter ABC*.txt and change compare to Name of File
3. Click Add, Enter /TEST/* and change the compare to Path of folder
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Old 05-25-2011, 12:59 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by bigstar View Post
Another way to do this would be to eliminate the selective transfer rule and use the per-site skip list.

1. Site Manager > Transfer Tab > Custom Skip List
2. Click Add, Enter ABC*.txt and change compare to Name of File
3. Click Add, Enter /TEST/* and change the compare to Path of folder
When I follow the 1st step, don't I skip the ABC*.txt files? My purpose is copy everything that start with ABC* and have a txt extention. If I eliminate the selective transfer rule and want to schedule this, how should my fqf file look like?

Thank you.
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Old 05-30-2011, 03:43 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by bigstar View Post
If you add the "TEST" folder to be skipped it will be skipped. This is the bug that I discovered and I am currently working on a fix for it.

You need to remove "TEST" from the folder list, if the folder list is blank make sure the action is set to transfer, otherwise the pattern becomes * and the folder "TEST" will still be skipped.

If you have the following folder structure

You'll need to add XYZ and 123 to the folder list and set the action to skip, the idea isn't to skip "TEST" but the sub-folders within it.
Hi bigstar,
The bug you have mentioned above, is there a resolution/fix already?
I experience this problem where even I choose to skip, the folders are transfered.
Thank you.
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Old 05-31-2011, 08:41 AM   #10
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Default Skip sub-folder


I have the folder structure below.


I have files that start with ABC* under TEST folder which I want to be transfered.
I use "Selective Transfer Rule", where File List is set to ABC*.txt and transfer and the folder list is blank and and set to transfer.

If I use a Custom Skip List or Skip list under Filters, I unable to configure it properly so all the subfolders under TEST will be skipped.

I tried all the possibilities

/*/* Path of Folder
/*/* name of Folder

The folder names aren't always 123 or XYZ, they are dynamic so I want to skip all folders, which wildmask I should use in which syntax?

Thank you
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Old 05-31-2011, 12:05 PM   #11
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I apologize for the mistake I made and the delay in getting back to you.

I've been busy working on this issue and I have just released a beta update to resolve the problem, you can download it from https://oss.azurewebsites.net/download-beta
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Old 05-31-2011, 01:19 PM   #12
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I do apologize for missing the point in your original post, Between trying to address the problem and provide a work around, I gave you the wrong information by suggesting to use the skip list.

You need to use selective transfer rules to skip all but those patterns, those patterns would result in matching and skipping.

In the future please do not create new threads regarding the same issue, as this only adds to the confusion.
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Old 05-31-2011, 03:06 PM   #13
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Apologizes for creating a new thread. If I want to skip all files(as the folder names differ and I want to use a wildcard), which syntax should I use under "Selective transfer rule" by knowing my structure above?

Thank you very much.
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Old 05-31-2011, 03:19 PM   #14
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Apologizes for this, if there is a way to merge these 2 threads, please do so.
I have installed build 1591, under "Selective Transfer Rule" where there are 2 windows (File List on the left and Folder List on the right), whatever I put under "Folder List", the application doesn't hold it if I click "Save" or "Activate" it. Are you able to replicate this issue as well?

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Old 05-31-2011, 03:48 PM   #15
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I merged these 2 threads
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