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Old 10-26-2009, 12:49 PM   #1
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Default Can connect, but cannot copy to server.

So I'm trying to FTP into my original Xbox (and I've always used flashFXP and has always worked), and basically what happens is, when I queue up items, they proceed to transfer.

After a minute or 2 of transferring, I get the popup asking me if I want to replace/rename/etc the existing file.

I click "replace" and it does the same thing. Copies for a minute or so, then I get the popup again.

I can connect find, and I can see the files on my Xbox, but nothing is transferring.

I'm using flashFXP 3.6.0 build 1240.

As far as network settings and the settings on my Xbox, everything is setup properly.

It was working fine a few days ago, but for some random reason, this started.

Any ideas?
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Old 10-26-2009, 07:58 PM   #2
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Anything change with your network configuration, your OS, or xbox?

Typically things just don't suddenly stop working usually there's something thats been changed that caused it to stop working.
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flashfxp, ftp, popup, transferring, xbox

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